Chapter 2

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I just finished cleaning my room. And it took longer than I assumed it to be. I never thought my room to be that messy. I just used one big garbage bag to throw away a whole lot of junks. During the revision week, I've spent most of time in my room and not just to study, but to eat there as well. And now the used plates were covered in molds. I felt like I was a hoarder. But hoarder dislike throwing their things, right? I took a big storage container downstairs at the garage, and started to sort the things that I wanted to donate.

I gave away ten pair of jeans, ten t-shirts, two sweaters, my pair of red heels and sneakers, two handbags, and a lot of cheap jewelries I collected but I never used them. I folded all of my clothes and neatly arranged them in the container. I placed the jewelries in a small empty box that I somehow had in my closet. I stood up and looked down at the filled container, my masterpiece. I folded my arms on my chest, my chin raised, and I nodded once. I was too proud of myself for that split self-applauding seconds.

I felt much better seeing the outcomes of cleaning my room.  For the finishing touches, I lit scented candles and sprayed every corner of my room with a lavender scented perfume.

I had done some of my packing for the Rider's Camp, however, I still missed something that I needed to bring with me like shampoo, toothpaste, and some new clothes.

I changed my clothes, sling my handbag on my shoulders, and head downstairs. I placed the list of things that I planned to buy between my lips while I was searching for the key to lock the house. The house was empty. The nanny that my mom hired to clean the room should've been here by now. But from the looks of it, she was probably late.

I fished out the keys secured together by a keychain from my bag, and they jangled as I held only the home key.

The air was humid outside. I gulped, suddenly feeling the quench of thirst. The sun shone down on me. I held my hand high, it acted like a cap. I squinted my eyes. It was too bright and absolutely no wind being felt. I twisted the key in the lock and it clicked.

I strolled on the pavement, and felt the heat rose up on my sneakers.


A car drove past and parked next to where I stood. Its front window slid open. My eyes were still squinting from the brightness. It was Andy. My heart felt like it jumped out off my chest. 

"Isn't this a hot day to have a stroll?" Andy asked with a grin plastered on his face.

A strand of hair blocked my sight and I tucked it behind my ear. "Owh. No. I am actually heading to Tesco. I needed to buy some things to bring 'em with me...for the Rider's Camp," I explained.

Andy's head tilted to the right. "That's a long walk. I'm actually heading there too. I can give you a ride if you want."

My face lit up. Without further response, I hopped into his car. It felt so much better. It was blasted with full fanned air conditioner. Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead. I felt a hand on my forehead, wiping off my sweat.

My breath stopped. I forgot how to breathe.

"Sorry. It must've been hot outside," he apologized, pulling away his hand.

I took a deep breath before I made my response. "Yeah." Stay calm, girl! Act natural! Keep. It. Together. "So why are you heading to Tesco?" I asked.

"The same reason as you are. I didn't have the time to pack my stuff. Exam week was intense."

"Ugh! Same! I so totally agree with you."

Andy started driving. He gripped the steering wheel with only his left hand. I could see the veins popping out of his arms. He may be slender. But his arms told otherwise. His eyes concentrated on the road ahead.

"Well...that makes us even. I'm just wondering if you wanna grab a bite after we're done our shopping? Maybe shaved ice-cream?" he asked, without facing me.

"That sounds great! I felt really uncomfortable eating alone in public. It made me feel like I'm being..."

"Judged," we both said it at the same time.

We chuckled. We were totally meant to be together. We had the same interest, same thinking, and same love when it came to food. We were like soulmates.

Andy parked his Volvo blue car close to the main entrance of the building. The car beeped. We walked together side by side with our shoulders brushing with each other. I felt hot. "I'll meet you at Berry Shavery," Andy reminded.

I nodded. These days were getting better and better. It was like sipping a rainbow magical drink served by a fairy or a cute white unicorn.

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