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A/N: (username) = Your username/some other nickname you'd be called. Like Ghost/Max for me. Not your real name. So if your username is Darkness, maybe you're called Dark, or Darkie or something.


I was falling... Falling into a black abyss, only a dot of light above me, when I heard someone calling my name.

"[Y/N]!!" The voice sounded so familiar that my chest ached, yet I couldn't remember for the life of me who it belonged to.

"[Y/N], NO!!"

I jolted up in my bed with a yelp, breathing hard. The voice, filled with panic and despair, still echoed in my mind. That was the fifth time I'd had that nightmare this week. I quickly got out of bed and tied my bandana around the lower half of my face as usual and stuffed a beanie on top of my head, grabbing my glasses off my dresser before sitting at my desk (if you don't wear glasses, then it's fake glasses).

I opened my laptop and logged on, quickly starting a call with my internet friend Jibbs. We had been friends for years. We met on a forum post about supernatural powers and had exchanged experiences and gotten really close. For the past few months, they've been helping me with my nightmares. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, start a call with them, and we'd talk through what happened. We've been tracking the dreams, looking for patterns. Trying to find the source.

To keep our identities kind of hidden, we both wore masks and hats when we talked. We often joked that we looked like terrorists. Luckily we both were good people. We also both had powers. Jibbs had random premonitions of future events daily and was an empath, while I had telekinesis, psychokinesis (a form of telekinesis where you could move things you couldn't see) and telepathic powers. I worked on my telekinesis and psychokinesis powers daily like a muscle. My telepathic powers were more random and sporadic, hard to get a hold of and harness. We would work on helping each other with our powers, too, when we weren't worried about each other's nightmares.

I opened the application we used to make video calls and clicked Jibbs' icon, hitting the call button. It rang for a few moments before Jibbs' face appeared.

"Same dream?" They asked immediately. I nodded. They wrote it down in their notebook.

"Ugh, I wish I could remember whose voice it is that's calling my name... it physically hurts my chest, it's so familiar..." I groaned, leaning back in my chair. Jibbs gave me a sympathetic look.

"I know, (Username), I can sense it." I gave them a weak smile.

Suddenly a scream outside made us both jump. I whipped around and launched myself out of my chair, sprinting for my window. I threw it open, not even pausing to think, and climbed out. I heard Jibbs shouting at me to wait, but I was already sliding down the ladder. I landed in the alleyway between my apartment building and the other one with a thud, and slowly stood up to face the rugged drunk man who was groping the woman in front of him, trying to get at her shirt, her purse already in his hand.

"Leave her alone." I glowered, standing to my full height. Even then, the man was taller than me by a few inches. He turned around, wobbling slightly.

"Whazzaht?" He slurred, squinting at me. Then he laughed. "What are you? Some sort of - hic - hero?"

"I said leave her alone," I repeated, glaring at his hand, which was still gripping the terrified woman's shirt. He let go, pushing her down onto the ground and started to saunter towards me. Immediately, time slowed down. On my right, a garbage can, on my left, an empty beer bottle. I swung my right hand behind me, and the lid of the garbage can shot into my hand, and I threw it like a frisbee and hit the guy square in the nose. He cursed and hunched over right as the bottle flew into my left hand and I whacked him over the back of the head with it, then kneed him in the groin before pushing him over onto the ground in a bloody, unconscious heap. I turned to the woman.

"Uh, are you alright, Miss?" She hesitated before nodding. She was still on the ground, so I reached out a hand to help her. After a moment, she took it and I helped her up, giving her her purse. She threw me a grateful glance before hurrying out of the alley. I stared at the knocked out guy for a moment before heading back to the fire escape. It was too high up, so I was about to use my telekinesis to get it down when a thud behind me made me jump and whirl around.

Right there, standing at the mouth of the alley, was the Teen Titans.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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