1. Bound By Flame (Part 1)

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On the eastern end of the continent of Sanus and the western coast of the kingdom of Vale, one of the four kingdoms of Remnant, a city is hidden under the pale glow of a crescent moon. 

Four men, all seemingly intoxicated during one of their late-night endeavors, stumbled about drunkenly at an empty street corner. Each possessed a 'Vale Police Department' insignia patch on the right breast of their uniforms and steel rapiers which were harnessed at their waists.

"Sampson~hic!" A bearded man with a glass bottle in hand staggered onto the pavement, outstretching his right arm and tugging on the collar of a more adolescent officer. "I'm proud of you, boy." He declared, holding on for dear life so that he wouldn't buckle under his own knees and make a fool of himself.

"For what, George?" Sampson cocked an eyebrow, wondering how his companions managed to persuade him to join them on this night of mockery. As the other two men in front of them hollered a broken ballad, George leant his untuned voice for the majority of the chorus. Once finished, he directed his attention back to Sampson.

"Being a police officer~hic...protecting the city...is not an easy thing to do for fellows your age~hic." 

"Just doing my duty and paying my dues to the people of Vale. I'm not anymore special than anyone else in this city." George rejoiced, swinging his arm forward and forcing Sampson to lean back and dodge the glass bottle George had forgotten was in his hand.

"That's the spirit! So modest~hic!"

"And at such a young age~hic!" Another drunken officer chimed in, then casually continued tripping over his own feet as he walked.

"If you say so." Sampson laughed dryly, which could barely be heard over the hysterical bellows of his three drunken associates. 


The shady interior of an architectural masterpiece with an ornate brick design receded back into a thin hallway, where two armed guards stood in front of a cell door with rusted metal bars.

"Is it just me or is it getting extremely hot in here?" One of the guards exclaimed, removing his helmet and giving his brow a much deserved wipe. Suddenly, the floor rose to a greater level and the two guards were immediately swallowed by intense plumes of smoke. "What the fuck?" 

The explosion rolled through the hallway violently, incapacitating both guards. Sheets of pure hydrogen shot out of the barred windows on each side of the prison and swirled up into the clouds.

"What was that~hic?" George turned on his heels and dropped the glass bottle, which shattered at his feet. 

The prison was engulfed in a mountain of flame. 

"We have to move!" Sampson grabbed George by his wrist and pulled him in the direction of the carnage, but George pulled back in protest and stared at Sampson with both feet firmly planted. "What the hell are you doing? There could still be people in there!" George shook his head and released nothing but a pathetic croak when he opened his lips.

"Hic~I'm not dying today." He turned around and bolted in the other direction, along with the other officers. 

"Damn them!" Sampson, swallowing his fear, charged towards the explosion. 


You felt the cracks in her supple hands as she shifted the weight of her naked body onto you. You ran your hands against her hips, securing them against your exposed area while she moaned weakly, your name slipping off of her tongue as you filled her insides. She raised her hands up your bare chest and kept them at your shoulders while she bounced in a way that lacked both force and strength.

"Harder..." She demanded faintly. You supplied her demands almost instantly, taking only a brief second to catch your breath. "I love-I love you." Your eyes widened for a moment. Did she really mean that?

Unexpectedly, you awoke with a searing pain in your head; you pressed your index fingers against your temples and massaged your skull gently. You winced at an unexpected and immediate sharp irritation. You grabbed the glass of water from your bedside and finished it off. You placed the smudged glass beside you once again and tucked yourself back under the covers. Suddenly, the room shook fiercely and you were thrown off of your bed. 

"What the hell?" You muttered while sprawled across the floorboards. The room shook once again, this time it was followed by a series of quick booms. You picked yourself up and headed towards the window, seeing a hint of firelight in the glass. "Holy shit..." 

Without hesitation, you grabbed your sheathed sword from the inside of your closet, wrapped the harness around your torso and bolted out of your bedroom. 

As you ran through the streets you spotted people coming out from their homes and gasping at the deadly spectacle. You turned sharply into an alleyway and-

"ARGHHHH!" A blundering creature knocked you down and pinned your body against the sidewalk.

You wrestled with the beast, clasping its throat with one hand as you tried to overturn yourself. You grabbed the hilt of your sword, which was only laying a foot away from you, and you jammed it into the creatures left eye. You got up as quickly as possible in time to react to the creatures next movement, you ducked under its talons and swiped at its torso, finding flesh to steel. It dug its talons into the cloth of your nightime attire, pulling you backwards and tearing off the fabric from your shirt.

Without warning, a cloaked figure dropped from behind the creature and raised a scythe above their head. The blade cut through the creatures flesh like a butter knife. Seconds later the beast was in two halves and your savior was standing over its corpse. 

"Who th-the hell are you?" You choked on your words. Your savior removed their hood, revealing an innocent girl with milk white skin and chaotic red hair that fell at her shoulders.

"Ruby." She smiled. "Ruby Rose." Was this her? Was this the girl in your dream?

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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