A Lost Hope

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I loved her. I loved her so much.

Tom knocked softly against Shelly's door frame since her office didn't have a door. Shelly's eyes darted to him, but her freckled face softened when she saw his face. Her office was completely made out of glass, and it was filled with flowers and sunshine. Shelly decorated her office with colorful things, which was adorable.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiled, entering the office, with a coffee and a brown bag.

"Good morning Tommy. How are you?" She asked, her voice was mellow and soft, like always.

"I'm good, how about yourself?" He placed the items on her desk and she nodded, her expression going blank once again.

"I'm good, I guess. It's nice to see a familiar face every day." Her cheeks blushed a bit, and she smiled a bit more, which was new for Tom. "I have work for you, Tommy." She said suddenly.

"Oh! Yay!" He said sarcastically. I wanted to see her smile again.

"Here you go," Shelly walked to a black cabinet (He called it the Cabinet of Hell) and opened one of the drawers. She grabbed a stack and placed it in his hands.

"Have fun!" She said, turning around and pushing him out.

"Awe, I can't stay and work in here?" He said, sadness lingering in his voice.

"No, Tommy, you didn't get your work done last time you did that? Now, go!" Shelly giggled, turning back inside her office.

Tom sighed, walking towards his desk, which wasn't so far from Shelly's office. He dropped the stack of papers onto his old desk, making a loud sound throughout the large office. Tom flinch and fell onto his black swivel chair. He looked up and caught Shelly looking at him, Tom waved at her with a smile and she rolled her eyes, blushing away. He began organizing the papers by date or alphabetical order. He bit the side of his cheek, looking down at the papers.

Velma, he was sure she was a cult leader, came to his desk.

"Go away Satan," He said to her as he rolled his gray eyes.

She grabbed a pen from his desk and walked away without a word. Thief.

He began to think about their time together. Six years have been great with Shelly. He loved her with his whole heart and even more. He wanted to tell her since they first met. From the start, she always had this charm on him.

He was infatuated.

It was unhealthy but he handled it. Shelly became the center of Tom's world and he didn't care. Tom protected her and cared for his sweet Shelly, as he called her many times, before. He tried to tell Shelly he loved her, from when she kissed him on his stubble cheek or when she brought him a blueberry muffin from their favorite bakery. Also, when she blushed when he called her beautiful. He knew Shelly loved him too, he felt it in his bones and knew with every particle in this world that she loved him too. She just had trouble actually telling him, just like he had trouble telling her.

He should tell her. If he doesn't take a stand now, who will? Shelly deserved someone who will love her and care for her and never hurt her. Marriage sounds a little too much right now, but he had to tell her. She meant the world to him. She's my world. When he walked her home, he decided she will tell her.

Time passed slowly and he felt like tearing his skin. Shelly kept him busy, of course, which was great.

Tom finished his shift once it hit 5:00 PM, but Shelly stayed longer. He waited in her office, on the yellow beanbag in the corner.

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