All That Shines

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Hello my glorious readers! Yeah, surprise I’m not dead! This story I PROMISE I will finish, even if it kills me. I apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling errors that I missed.

I do not own the How to Train Your Dragon franchise. However my OC’s are mine. Enjoy the story!


Some say that destiny is interchangeable that it is as much a part of us as we are of it. Some say that destiny is always in motion, changing with each step we take, each word, each song, each breath. Others, well, others don't believe in destiny for it seems too farfetched for them to grasp. Me? I believe destiny is always there, being built on the foundation of our decisions, of our hope, our love.

Now I am going to tell you a story that will seem like it was ripped out of a fantasy book, but let me assure you every little word I say is as real as life itself. As real as you and me, as real as the stars in the sky and I am as sure of this as the sun rising in the morning sky, shedding its light on our world, as sure as the night and the stars that wrap us all in a blanket full of rips. Every word I say is real.

There was once a time of peace in our world. A time where every little animal no matter how small or big lived in harmony. This is the time the first dragons arrived; they were a gift from the gods themselves to their subjects on the world so far below. These dragons were the ancestors of all dragons to come.

They built societies of dragons one of which was located far north in a place where the white blanket of snow almost never settled. This island as named Life's Hedge, which was crowded with rich deposits of top soil making the land spring to life, with deep green conifers that made the air smell thickly of pine. Vast amounts of fresh water springs flowed into rivers of mass fish and vegetation, where the water was so clear that every little pebble could be seen by only looking in the shimmering river. The beaches were almost as white as the snow with geothermal vents that were perfect for hatching eggs, without starting the forest ablaze. Mountains loomed above from the middle of the island with beautiful snowcapped peaks casting a shadow that stretched from shore to shore in its wake. Life's Hedge was truly beautiful.

Thousands upon thousands of different dragon species flocked there during mating season. Generations of dragons were born and raised on the island's soil. It was perfect, thus nothing lasts forever.

After centuries of peace the Alpha Wars started. The Alpha's were the largest dragons alive; they towered almost as tall as mountains and breathed icy breath that could freeze even large islands over. But with great power comes great corruption. Alpha against Alpha fought to be the king of all dragons. Their queens by there sides, who were the second largest dragon species call the Red Deaths. Although smaller than the Alpha species they could mine control dragons to do their bidding.

During this time dragons live in fear, most came to Life's Hedge seeking protection. During this time the Night Furies, a dragon species black as night, swift as lightning and more dangerous than death, became the unofficial leaders of the dragons. They were he called by the other species 'The Protectors.' There was no dragon they turned down.

However the Alphas were angry with this new found resistance and took control of any dragon they could get there claws on and forced them the attack the Night Furies. Many died. The elder of the night furies finally stated that they must not involve themselves in other dragon’s affairs if they wanted to survive, hence the foundation of Night Fury Island which was divided into two halves. The side of Solaria also known as the Dragoness of the sun and often had lighter scales to blend into the sky, these Night Furies gifted by the sun, and the side of Tenebrarum, the Dragon God of the Moon, these Night Furies were gifted by the moon and often had dark scales. Together the island was renounced as Pulchrior.

The new listens was lined on one sides by vast snow caped mountains that only ceased at its snow white beaches, and creating a valley of scrubs and greenery consisting of spruce and seasonal trees. In the valley of the mountain was a shimmering lake that formed from the melting of the snow at the peaks of the mountains. Creating a pool of fresh mountain water that the mothers would often take there hatchlings to get a nice refreshing drink. And for over a century there was peace until the alphas found us.

They from the island descending it into a seemingly eternal winter that was before the great female night fury, Clara, took a stand. She challenged the alpha. The battle was long but in the end Clara won and the alpha retreated into the sea. The island of Pulchrior was free but at a cost Clara had been severely injured in the battle and laid in a pool of her own blood on a grassy island in the center of the lake. She told of a prophecy

"There is great evil in this world but there is also great good. There will come a time where not just Pulchrior will need saving, but the entire dragon.In this time two Night Furies will rise when the sun and the moon collide."

One of sun, one of moon,

Born together in the eclipsed moon

Will be our hope or our doom,

For peace they will bring now and forever

But separated near birth they have to do it together

For the sun will rise, the moon will follow

But one is broken, one is hollow

And with that Clara pass away but instead of leaving the land as is her very soul penetrated the grown to melt the snow, flowers sprung from their snowy tomb and trees flourish bright green. All the while the sky was stained a baby blue. And as a finally her very spirit created a barrier that trapped the island in the dome. Its purpose was to let Night Furies go through but keep out invaders. And with that her body sank into the flourishing ground creating a great tree that lay nestled in the middle of the lake for all to see. Some say it was a gift from the gods, others say it was from Clara.

As the year passed on the prophecy that Clara spoke of became nothing more than a myth, a legend. But that was until they came. And that my friends, is where our story begins.

All That Shines


That is it for the first chapter! By the way the story is being narrated by a mysterious narrator, who will be revealed later. Any who please review it motivates me to get chapters done faster!

Latin Translations:

Pulchrior: eclipse

Tenebrarum: darkness

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