Present time

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Sonya pov (yup this bish be back)(btw pic up top is Sonya)

I had wanted to go to Saka's house so i can confess my feelings to Ayato(author-chan: little did she know that...                

 ~a wild Reiji has appeared~ Reiji: NO FUCKING SPOILERS AUTHOR-CHAN!!!!                                            author-chan: okie imma go now (T~T)*backs the fuck up slowly*) I was halfway to the house. About 5 mins away from the estate. When i get there, i knock on the door. A few seconds later, Liato opens the door. "Oh hey Sonya. What brings you by?" He asked. The silence lasted for about 15 seconds before I spoke up. "Can I talk to Ayato real quick, Liato?" I said but what he said next got me confused "Sorry. He's not here. He left not to long ago to go to the arcade with Saka, Subaru, Shu, and Kou for Saka's birthday." Now the reason I was confused was because "who the hell is 'Saka'?" What he said surprised me "Saka is Sakacari. Thats the new nickname we gave her." My mouth as in the shape of an 'o' by time he was finished.

Saka pov

Me and the boys were at the arcade having the time of our lives. I had to force Shu to come here cuz he wanted to home, but when we got here we started playing games, he has had a genuine smile on his face instead of his usual smirk that's almost always on his face. As i was about to beat Kou's ass in sugar rush (y'all get the reference on which movie this is from), a certain black haired girl ran into the arcade...


























I AINT DEAD.. well not physically anyways. Sorry for the slow updates. I have been really busy with my non-existant life and some other stufft. Welp i gots t' go. May the triforce be with you and i will see you in the next chapter buh-bye


vampire girl (A Diabolik Lovers Fic)*complete*Where stories live. Discover now