9. The Confession

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Sarada: Huh?
Boruto: Because I love you, Sarada

Sarada blush cutely, and Boruto smiles at her, make her more happier

Sakura: So, about the chakra------
Boruto: Ssssshhhhhhh!
Sakura: (giggles)

Sakura blushes after looking at her daughter sleeping beside her maybe future forever guardian, Sakura then leave them both, she doesn't want their quality time get interrupted

4 years later - Leaf Jewelery

Sarada: Up to you
Boruto: I don't have any special taste
Sarada: Just, a gold, with diamond jewel, that's it
Boruto: Meh
Sarada: Hmph!
Boruto: Just choose what you like!

Sakura: They are so cute, right Sasuke-kun?
Sasuke: If I remeber, I have seen one girl with her same name, Sarada
Sakura: Hm? What do you mean?
Sasuke: When my training with Orochimaru I have a partner, she said that she's an Uchiha, but I cannot remember
Sakura: The past is the past, throw it as far as always, Sasuke-kun

Several months later

Sarada: What do you think about me right now?
Boruto: Hmm
Sarada: I must be very beautiful in front of my own husband
Boruto: I can just say, you are beautiful every day
Sarada: Flirty liar! (giggles)
Boruto (kisses)

Sarada blushes

Boruto: If I'm a liar, I won't confess my feeling and do a serious treatment about that feeling
Sarada: Thank you for everything, Boruto-kun

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