First Day of High School

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Anisha writing her diary..

Its been a month in Texas now.. nd i m terriblly missing Pakistan.. my cznz and frndz.. and tomorrow i m gonna start high school.. a little ecxited for the new start but a little terrified becoz un seb studntz ka ye second semester he and i dnt know me un k sath studies ki pace pkr paao gi k nhi..

Next Morning

i got up.. brushed and got ready.. went downstairs and looked at the time..

Me : Gosh its already 7:14.. I need to be at the Stop at 7:19. Allahafiz mama i m leaving..

Mama: per beta nashta to krlo...

but she didn't heard as she was in a hurry..

At the School:

After taking my schedule and the school map.. i was exploring the map and wondering around in search of my first classroom and  exidently bumped into a guy..

Me: I m so sorry..

Guy: Can't you see girl.. and he passed..

How rude? I mumbled .. All my pprz were on the floor.. and i was just going to pick them up.. but someone else was quicker.. and picked those for me.. 

Me: Thnx

Guy: No actually I m sorry..

Me: Sorry? Sorry for what??

Guy: Sorry on behalf of my brother.. who just bumped in you.. I dont know why but he is not in a good mood since the morning..

Me: Oh no thats fine..

Guy:  Hmm.. he smiled

He stood standing there starring at me.. as i started loooking at my map again..

Guy: u look confused.. can i help u

Me: No i m just trying to locate my classrooms on this map

Guy: Oh no.. dont look at this map.. it only confuses people.. where do u have to go.. i m sure i can hlp u..

Me: Room 103

Guy: Great.. I m going the same way.. i can drop u to ur class.. he smiled and started walking

as soon as we reached the class he said: Here you go.. i m gonna go for my class othrwise i m gonna be late.. by the way i m hussain and plzz no need to say thnx.. bye.. he waved and left in a hurry..

Hussains P.O.V:

Today I was setting my locker and as soon as I closed it.. i saw that girl.. i dont know what was so attractive in her but i leaned on the locker and started staring at her.. i think she was new as she continusely looked at her schedule the school map and the numbers at the doors.. and sudenly Shehry bumped into her and all her pprz were at the floor.. Shehry didnt even bother to help her belkay ulta he was rude.. and then i picked the pprz up.. apologized on shehry's behalf... nd decided to hlp her.. i dont know what made me lie to her that i m going on the same way and she can join me.. although my frst hour was exactly where i was standin and i went to the other corner of school just to drop her.. 


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