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Rainwater splashed onto a loose piece of metal roofing, causing it to buckle and bend. It was remarkably loud. I could even hear it over the deafening thunder. In fact, I could hardly hear the thunder at all. What business did that thing have being so loud, especially when some people need to sleep? Between the routine police patrols, the flashes of light, the howling wind, the cackling thunder, the water seeping into my socks, and this goddamn thing making the unholy racket that it was, I was sure to lose my mind. I was tempted to walk up and rip the thing off, fixing the problem then and there.

But, as I gathered myself again, I remembered a few problems I would face if I were to do that. Sure, it might've been illegal. Hell, it might have even been immoral. But seeing as I had no moral hangups about removing a ghastly-sounding piece of tin roof from an abandoned building, there must've been some other obstacle preventing me from doing that. As it turned out, it was something comically immediate: I was being restrained be the police chief's son and his idiot buddy.

Were this a few months prior, back when my frame carried a happier, plumper version of me, I'd have fended them off with ease. In my new reality, I was unfortunately in no shape to do so. I hadn't been to a scale in a bit, but I could guess that the two outweighed me by a good thirty pounds each. My initial reaction was to run away. I was small and skinny but surprisingly quick on my feet and very nimble. However, I could only go a few blocks before tiring. I wouldn't have been surprised if that were the reason I fell, but blacking out was new. I'd never done that before now.

"Time to wake up, sleeping beauty! Oh, look there he is! Woke up even without true love's kiss, did you?" he hollered from behind.

He shuffled around behind me, prodding me confusedly. Maybe he thought I was dead.

"Oy, ratbag! I'm talking to you!"

If he was expecting a response, he wouldn't be getting one from me. Even if I wanted to reply, I couldn't. And as if being pinned from behind wasn't enough, I had evidently been paralyzed.  Maybe I hit my head on something.

"Boy! Are you listening to me?" There was a tingling in my midsection, followed by the muffled sound of cracking bone.  I could see a freshly red area around my mouth quickly dissipate in the rain.

Lightning crackled above us, illuminating my soon-to-be deathbed, a cobblestone alleyway a few meters from a busy road. If I could, I'd have thought to get help. If I could manage to get the guards' attention, they'd come over right away. I looked around for a rock. One good throw would send at least one guard on over, but with the entire police force under his thumb, the chief's son would simply wave him off and continue his business. Besides, there was nothing to be gained from savior. I would only be making my life more difficult. I'd had enough of it. I was through.

He grew impatient with my lack of talkativeness.

"Gilbert!" the chief's son said, motioning for his partner in crime. "Fetch me dad's Colt!"

His immense friend gave a wary look, replying, "B--But! But your dad said use that only if it's an emergency."

He looked back at his partner in bewilderment, turning from me slowly as he crumpled his face into a confused scowl.

Astounded at the brute's stupidity, he proclaimed, "Gilbert, you great fucking dullard, if you don't get the gun, I swear I'll kill you, too!"

Wilfred's tone seemed sincere, bordering on angered. His friend, presumably called Gilbert, stood pondering what to do. The creature's brain functioned sluggishly; it was a full minute before he concurred, "Alright, but I don't wanna get in trouble. Okay?"

He scurried away, carrying his immense girth with surprising speed. I heard Wilfred mutter something under his breath in the direction of his absconded friend, no doubt something profane and insulting.

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