Dedications and Author's Note

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Dedicated to those who want to escape their reality and lose themselves in the world of mysteries, deaths and adventure. Whoever you are, there is always a perfect story out there for you. 

Author's Note: Hello there! Thank you for choosing to read this story. I hope and pray that all of you enjoy the story I am putting out there. This story was a result of my friend (Inkfountain) and me deciding to write a story on Wattpad. Go check hers out!

This story has not been professionally edited. Please let me know if you find a spelling or grammatical error, I'll do my best to fix it.


Disclaimer: This story will contain swearing. If you cannot handle that, you might as well leave right now.  


Updates: There will be no regular update schedule. I will update whenever I have finished the chapter and feel it's good enough to post. I'm sorry about this but I have to keep on top of school and all my homework.  I hope you all understand!


Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a big issue everywhere. Copying others' work and claiming it as your own is not right and should be stopped. If you suspect someone of plagiarism, please let the author know so they can take the right course of action.

And now to my story. I'll say it twice. Please do not copy my story and claim it as your own. I put hard work and effort into creating the words that you will read, don't let that all be for nothing.

The second time: Copy my fucking story and I'll not hesitate to block, report and remove your sorry ass from ever seeing Wattpad again. Clear?


Stories I highly recommend:

- War of the Taurs by Inkfountain ;)

- Defying Gravity by NicAthena

- The Hoodie Girl by yeunwrites

- No way in Heaven or Hell by Marion Avalon

Let me know if you have any suggestions for other good stories. I'll be sure to check em! 



The Writer Slugs GO is a small writer's club founded by me and my fellow buddy Inkfountain. We made this club out of pure impulse and cuz we were bored during religion class. 

Why Slugs?

Because worms are overrated and slugs are way cooler  😜

Because worms are overrated and slugs are way cooler  😜

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