Chapter 4

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"Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly"

- Francis Bacon  


Warning: This chapter contains one swear word

Midutria? What is Midutria? Why did my father come from here? Why am I here? These thoughts plagued me as I tried to take in my surroundings. It was clear that this wasn't any country I've ever been to, not that I've been to one anyway.

Everything around me was so full of life, even the air was sparked with electricity. Turning around, I gasped at the sight of the magnificent castle. Hesitating slightly, I made the decision to cautiously make my way towards the castle. What could go wrong?

I know, it was a pretty stupid decision and this is the part where I'm supposed to be abducted or something like that, however, I had a feeling that nothing like that was going to happen. In other words, it felt safe.

Slowly walking, I took it as a chance to take in my surroundings. It was, without doubt, one of the most beautiful places I had been to. Luscious green trees, blooming bushes and glistening grass. What a sight!

Following the brick path, I finally arrived in front of the bustling market place. People all around were trading or selling goods. Suddenly, a grumbling noise came from below me. It was my stomach. It had been a long time since I'd eaten anything.

Wistfully, I gazed around the food stands at the marketplace. The smell of freshly baked bread loaves and plump berries wafted towards my nose, making my stomach grumble that much louder.

Fortunately or unfortunately, a bulky man heard my stomach and looked up to meet my eyes. He was in charge of the fruit stall and gestured for me to come to him. Hesitating, I made the decision to go. Guess my hunger overruled common sense.

I stood in front of his stall and waited, expecting him to turn into a demon and vaporise or eat me. Yeah, I know. My imagination is very wild. He did none of these things. Instead, he handed me a plate of fruit and buttered bread. My eyes widened before the food placed in front of me. Now, he was definitely trying to poison me.

"Eat" he said in a soothing voice. Despite my conscious telling me not to, I picked up a berry and popped it in my mouth. "Mmm" I replied. This was the best berry I've ever tasted. You may think you have reached the pinnacle of life when you eat caviar or something, but this berry just tops it.

The man just smiled and continued to watch me devour the food like a voracious dog. I tried to make myself look presentable after eating, however, I knew that there were various berry stain and bread crumbs surrounding my mouth. Sorry, bad image.

"What's your name child?" he asked me as I made an effort to wipe away the crumbs with my wrist. "Aliya Mendez" I replied without thinking. Probably shouldn't have told a stranger my name, but oh well, too late now. Something flashed in his eyes, like he had heard my name before.

"Follow me" he said in a stoic voice and proceeded to walk towards the castle. Shrugging my shoulders, I followed him, not wanting to be left alone again. For a guy so bulky, he sure could walk fast when he wanted to. We were almost at the castle by the time I was able to catch up.

"Go inside and tell the guard your name, he will take you to the queen" he ordered me when we reached the castle gates. Up close, I could finally marvel in the castle's magnificence.

White marble reflecting the sun's ray, making it glow. Circular domes on top of the towers, black iron gates with small-engraved pictures and words. Basically, it was your picture-perfect fantasy castle.

"Uh huh" I mumbled, my mouth open, almost drooling at the sight of the castle. Another bad image, sorry. "It is beautiful, isn't it?" he said, gazing around. "Truly" I responded, trying to compose myself and look slightly more presentable. It's not everyday you see the queen of some foreign place that you've never heard of.

"Sorry I never asked, but may I please know your name?" I finally asked, realised this stranger had done me a fair deed and I didn't even know who he was. "Poqez" was the only reply I got before he farewelled me and started to stroll back to the market.

I stood in front of the gate, unsure of what to do. Clearly, my attention span needs to be increased. I waited in front of the gate, looking a bit like a loser to the people passing me. Seriously, the amount of people who wrinkled their nose at me isn't even funny. I desperately wished someone would relieve me of my status with the citizens.

My prayers were answered as a guard finally approached the gate and wrinkled his nose at me before questioning, "Who may you be?" Seriously? I don't look like that much of a loser apart from the berry stains around my mouth. "Aliya Mendez." Again, I really should think things through before giving my name out to random people.

The guard's expression went from judgemental to knowing and an almost feared look. Has this guy heard my name before as well? "Follow me" he ordered and the gate opened. I stepped inside and could feel the immense power of this place.

The guard led me to the wooden drawbridge, overlooking a moat surrounding a crystal clear water. My eyes widened, having read enough fantasy books to know moats usually don't look this clear. The guard must have read my mind as he answered "Midutria isn't like any old castle, it serves a special purpose, like you."

What special purpose would I serve, being Midutria's first hobo? The guard led me inside the castle which was just as impressive as the outside, if not more so. Diamond chandeliers, weathered, stone walls giving it a homey sort of feel and pictures. Pictures of past kings or queens covered the walls, with a little plaque beneath to show their name and achievements.

I got a small glace at some of the names however, none of them stuck in my head. The guard directed us through a maze of corridors and finally to closed wooden door with two more guards in front of it, standing stiff and tightened their grips around their spears when they saw me.

The guard directing me muttered something in their ears and they moved aside to let us through. The wooden doors slowly opened and their on the golden throne, sat the queen of Midutria. Her presence demanded respect and the power she radiated was off the charts.

I felt like I didn't deserve to be in the same room as her. From the glittering gown she wore to the way she carried herself, I knew this wasn't someone to mess with. Not wanted to take a step further, I stayed, rooted to the spot.

The guard, fuck that guy, honestly, noticed I wasn't moving, so he pushed me forward into the queen's vision. I met her eyes, just like her dress, they changed constantly, going from an emerald green to a sapphire blue to a ruby red. Even her eyes intimidated me.

Eyes raking my figure, her expression gave nothing away. I felt embarrassed, even if my clothing wasn't weird by anyone's standards. Deciding to let her know that I wasn't intimidated, even though I was, I stood up straighter, straightened my clothes and met her eyes, a glint in them to provoke her.

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, her smooth flowing voice cut me off. "Hello to you to Miss Mendez. I am Queen Raelynn. Welcome to the ethereal realm of Midutria, place to where all nephilim live." 

Hey Readers! Yet again another late update. Sorry about that. I have term holidays coming up so I will for sure knuckle down now and dish out some more chapters hopefully a bit faster than the last couple of updates. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! 

Peace out! 

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