Chapter One: Encounter

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It felt peaceful at first. Like a calm settled over his mind as he felt himself be pulled somewhere. Like someone giding a child. It was so peaceful he almost fell back asleep at the feeling, though he wasnt sure if he was really awake or just stuck somewhere in the middle of wake and sleep. That feeling, however long it was, ended when he felt cold icey air hit his face and shortly after all around him. It pulled at his half awake mind forcing him to open his heavy sockets.

He slowly blinked the sleep from his eye sockets before noticing that there were trees above him. Sitting up in shock, now wide awake, he franticly looked at his surroundings. He was in some sort of forest with thick yet scared trees that seemed to pearce the dark clouds above him. There needle like leafs were all over the grayish snow beneath him. The snow itself was deep and hard. Like when someone padded a snowball too much and turned it into a ball of hard compact ice. Light peeked through the clouds and helped give the appearance of a very poorly lit room. The trees blocked most light from reaching the floor causing a circle of snow to appear around the base by a foot or so. He could hear the sound of running water in the distance, probable a river or stream.

Feeling the cold seep into his bones, he zipped up his black and blue damp hoodie and fixed his scarf around his neck. When he was lifting his blue furred hood up, he felt something soft on the side of his skull. Thinking nothing of it as a hard shiver was ripped from him at the cold harsh wind blowing through the trees. He quickly threw his hood up and scooted, for his legs felt numb and didnt trust that he could stand, underneath the surprisingly dry dirt under one of the trees. He did have to move some snow out of the way and the ground was cold but at least now he wasnt going to freeze to death in the snow. He isnt sure if he can die with him being the destroyer and all, but he doesnt feel like testing it now. For all he knew he could just get sick from it, but he feels like showing any monster or human here weakness would be a mistake. Especially if the grey tinge to the snow is what he thinks it is.

Thinking through his knowledge of au's he has visited, this world is probable a fell or an au on a genocide rout. Wondering what au he was in, he tried to bring up this worlds code. Though when he tried, nothing happened. He tried again. Still nothing. Something didnt feel right. He tried again only to recive the same results. That feeling started clawing at the back of his mind. He kept trying to bring up the codes and at some point he tried to at least open a portal back to the white place. He gave up making either on the twentieth try. Feeling sleep worm its way back into his bones, he decided he would try again when he got more rest. Curling up to help keep himself warm, he let sleep take over him.

-Time Skip-

Error snapped awake at a twig snapping near him and the sudden feeling of being watched. Jumping up into a fighting position, even though his body strongly protested at the quick movement, facing the direction of the sound. About 15 feet from where he originally was, someone let out a bark of laughter as they stepped out from behind a tree. The monster  appeared to be a grey lizzard with black spines rinning down its back to the tip of his tale. He was dressed in all black clothing ment for stealth and easy movement.

"Well, looks like we'll be doing this the hard way." He had a strange look in his red slitted eyes that made Error very uncomfortable. The feeling of being CHECKed and the pull of an encounter washed over him. At this point, Error didnt really know what he expected the lizzard to do after the CHECK, but it sure as hell wasn't the creepy and predatory look he gave him.

"No wonder she wants you! But I hope she wont mine if I have some fun with you real quick. Its not everyday you meet a monster, especially a plant and skeleton hybrid, who has no attack magic whats so ever." The monsters words struck him as odd. Hybrid? No attack magic? Thats stupid. Last he checked he didnt have a plant growing out of him and he did have attack magic from what he could remember before- wait. That flower. And his soul. Could it have done something to him? He kept his eye lights on the lizzard and CHECKED himself.

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