Chapter 1

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'Sniffles  'Sniffles

I wake up five minutes before my alarm is due to go off because my my new puppy Caesar. I got him three days ago because I've been lonely here by myself. I have been in Provincetown for almost five months now and I couldn't be happier here I only need two more credits left until I am finished with my online schooling. I look at the clock and notice that it is seven fifteen, I have forty five minutes to get dressed and down the street to the little whole in the wall bakery called "Annie's Baked Goods" for work. I started working there my my third day here. The owner Annie bumped into me at the door and we started talking, one thing lead to another and I got a trial date which obviously went well.

Annie has become a good friend of mine as well as my boss, she doesn't know my full story just that I am on my own for now and that I have 2 weeks until I finish high school. I have applied to local colleges to see if I can keep going to school, I ultimately want to become an abuse victims counselor or even a school counselor. I haven't heard back from any of them yet but I should soon. After this next week I will finally have brought money to have my own apartment, Annie said that she would co sign for me that way I can have a real home now.

"Hey Kylee how's your morning so far?" My co worker Jen asked as I walked in the bakery. "Oh you know it was the usual not wanting to get up, then thinking to much, losing track of time and hurrying to make it on time all the while my little Caesar was jumping and yipping around ny feet." I replied back while putting my purse in my locker and grabbing my apron and name tag as well. When I walked out from the back I seen a big line was already starting to form so I just jumped into action while the girls standing in line glared at me because their boyfriends had wandering eyes. I meant I know I'm not UGLY but I also know that I am not the finest chick out there. I'm one hundred fifty five pounds at five feet six inches which means that I'm not a twig but I'm not at either I'm at a healthy weight,my legs are slender, I have a nice butt, C-cup sized breasts, blue eyes, straight light brown hair, and freckles but it all goes well together on me. Jen just laughs at me when I walk out from the back because as he can see all the girls and their UGLY attitudes directed towards me, she tells me that it's mainly because I don't realize how gorgeous I really am.

I just don't really see the point of a relationship in my situation but I'm slowly starting to become open to talking to more people because of the fact that I'm starting to feel safe here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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