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Here we are now in Earth, we quickly look for our house elderly Chris gave as a house at is very big it has 4 room, 3 rooms had 2 beds and the 1 room has 1 bed here are our roomates

1st room   |   2nd room     |  3rd room|   4th room
       |    ||
Me   Sana  | Momo  Mina  | Jihyo  Chaeyoung  |    Tzuyu

As I was organizing my thing elderly Chris just text me

ElderlyChris:Nayeon you and your sisters are going to school you'll find the 7 boys that your going to protect there too so get ready here's the name of the school Bangtwice State University

I text him ok after that I went down stairs to tell them they just nodded and after that Jihyo call us to have dinner we arrived here at the Earth at 6:05 that why it's dinner


Were here at the entrance of the school as we walked in I hear students whispering

They looked pretty

I think blackvelvet will be jealous

Who the heck is blackvelvet oh well I don't care, I said to my mind as we were at the Principals office they give us our schedule for our class

"What class are u guys? mine's english" I said

"Me too" sana

"Me three" momo

"Me four" jihyo

"Me five" Mina

"Me six" chaeyoung

"Me math, nah just kidding, Me seven" Tzuyu said we just giggle about his silliness

As we walked I just bumped into a guy

"Yah! Watch were you going"I said

"Sorry I didn't see you, wait are you a new student here cuz I didn't see you all around here before?" He asked

"Well yeah we're new here, why?" Me

"Uhm nothing, so what your name?" He asked with his cute gummy smile, wait what did I say?

"I'm Im Nayeon and this are my sisters but we don't have the same family name cuz some of them are adopted others are my half sisters, and yours is?"I asked

" oh my name is Min Yoongi you can call me suga or suga oppa if you liked"he said

"Ok suga oppa~"I said in a cute voice and show my bunny teeth and he just blushed light pink he's so cute, wait what?

"HYUNG!" A guy just yelled

" I got to go, see ya!" He yelled while running looking at me


I can't stop thinking about the girl I bumped earlier she's so cute especially with her bunny smile, what is this strange feeling of mine?

To Be Continued.......


7 pretty fairies meets 7 bad boys (BANGTWICE) VERY SLOW UD cause SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now