Made From Broken Parts

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A/N: Thank you for waiting.
WARNING: there is torture featured in this chapter

They were cramped inside a room that was as plain as the rest of this place, with grey walls that stared at those inside them. In some ways that colour was intimating, it loomed darkness and promised isolation.

A stench seemed to fill every room in this place. It smelt how the female would only be able to describe as death. That is if she knew what that smelt like.

"So it would seem that we have some new recruits. Could they step forward?" A greying man in black said as he was walking up and down with his hands firmly behind his back. Everyone in this place wore a frown. There was not one smile from what she had already seen.

Inside the girl was frightened. She had woken in a place she didn't know. Couldn't remember anything, and was surrounded by people who looked like they would happily kill you if you even looked at them the wrong way.

She stepped forward as well as a few others. The number of people in this place shocked her, there were at least 40 people with her in this room alone. Around the room were guards dressed in the same black colour staring at those who stood in white.

"So it is necessary that we run you through some tests, simply so we know what you are capable of and we can group you accordingly, to save time, do any of you know your abilities?" The man from before quizzed.

Abilities? The female thought as a few raised their hands. "Good. For those of you that don't. We have ways of finding out" She didn't know what he meant by that and she wished she had.

He sectioned them off, those who knew what they were capable of and those who weren't. They were led in different directions.

They travelled down a long dark hall, with candles hanging on the wall every couple of feet. Guards were following behind. They seemed in be going down different corridors and it would be easy for one to get lost in them.

When they arrived they walked through a steel door and were told to stand in a line. About five minutes past before another male walked into the room. He stared at them all individually before his gaze settled on her. The female gulped, her instincts screaming danger.

She followed after him as he ushered her to and they went through another door. Inside this room was a bed.

"Get on," he told and she did reluctantly. He walked over and tied her hands to the bed.

"What are you doing?" She questioned, as she thrashed around in the restrains. She couldn't understand why she needed to be tied up for this. The male didn't answer, just came over to her and put a clothed bag over her head. Before walking away.

The female could hear her heart beating loudly in her ears as she awaited her fate. She could hear his light footsteps as he travelled across the room and rummaged through things.

When he came back over she held her breath in anticipation, not knowing what to expect. Hours felt like they had passed before something that felt quite heavy fell down onto the hood. Making it wet. She automatically went to breathe out of surprise but when met with water blocking her air.

She could immediately feel the effects of wanting oxygen and started thrashing around as she fought to get air. She could feel water go down her nose, and started choking. The lack of oxygen and the water entering her lungs burned as she struggled to get out of the restrains, but it was no use.

"You're doing it wrong. Like this", a male boy laughed at her as he took the stick from her hand and twirled it around. The girl pouted in frustration as she watched him move it.

"That's not fair, I can't do anything right" she huffed, throwing herself to the ground. The boy frowned upon his sister as he knelt down next to her.

"Yes you can, you just can't give up. Never give up"

A loud screeching sounded as something was drawn across the floor, and metal could be heard hitting the wall before she blacked out.

A/N: So, that's that chapter done. I need to ask, is my writing too vague, if so I can be more descriptive but I would love to know opinions.

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