On the edge

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The rumors kept continuing and were getting worse, day by day Jalena's was becoming more and more depressed. Her mom began to notice her odd behavior, she wasn't her happy self and she hardly ate...her mom was becoming concerned about her baby girl.
**Jalena's p.o.v
Everyday was becoming hell for me, for the past 3 months I was being talked about, called out and on top of that MJ wasn't making it better with his dumb ass bullying. In history class the teacher had to step out for a bit and this is where the hell fires fumed even more...
“aye Jalena, lemme hit boo I heard u was hella good!” one of the dudes said causing the whole room to erupt in laughter. I rolled my eyes and ignored him and all the other comments till someone came up behind me and ripped my top open, everyone's eyes bulged out of their heads and started taking pics. I got up and ran out of the class in tears damn near knocked the teacher down. I ran u to the girl's bathroom and pulled out the small pouch and took out a razor and started cutting, this time a bit too deep. I began to feel weak and  everything went black... God I'm sorry for what I did but I couldn't take it anymore I thought to myself while I was near death.
**Jacqueline's p.o.v**
I had enough of this shit, I told charise to get Lena's stuff and find her then text me when she found her. I walked up to MJ's desk and slammed my hands down on it, all the kids got quiet. “ I don't know what the fuck your problem is but you're really fucked up in the head for doing this to her, she didn't do anything but stood up to you cuz you bumped her and couldn't say sorry. And as for the rest of y'all ratchet ass bitches, y'all ain't nothin but followers and if y'all have kids what happened here will come back 10x worse!” my phone vibrated from a text from Charisse.
I found her in the girl's bathroom, she slit her wrist and she's barley breathing. I called 911 and her mom...getcha ass here now!! 😭😭
I hurried up and ran to the bathroom and stayed with her and Char till help arrived. When her mom get to the school we told her what happened in the class, she told the principal that she's taking us to hospital with her.

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