A Long Venture

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" Are you still with me, sir?" He inquisitioned, snapping me out of my thoughtful trance. "Invariably, brother." As I replied with a swell in my soul, my feet carried me towards our nearing destination. A fulling forest on either side created a beautiful overhead canopy of crisp autumn leaves. "So, how long has this estate been entrusted to you, sir?" I inquisitioned, curious of the answer I might find myself presented with. "Almost my whole life I had the wealth you envision me with today. My family was one of the first few to obtain fortune from the new world." Fortunato spoke with his head held high and his breast out exultant. The knowledge of his wealth seemed like a glorious unity. It was almost as if he was there himself. His eyes even twinkled with a glimmer of happiness and satisfaction. "Once they found the gold and riches aplenty, they kept most for themselves. They left enough to go towards their children and their children's children. My family has a foot in everything essentially. When you know everything, you have everything." This is a new side I've seen of him. A man who believes that wealth is the singular power that a person possesses. It's almost as if I knew this man was capable of an attitude like his aforementioned. However, I never truly recognized if he had the audacity to act in that form.
As we both advanced upon his domain, I stood in wonder. Gargantuan towers and gargoyles signified one of the chief items one could gaze upon when peering at this amazing and awe-inspiring grounds. The cream painted walls with aqua detailing are the leading, and certainly not the least, captivating sight presented to those who've been fortunate to be given the occasion to enter.
         "This is the estate entrusted to me from my father. You will be staying in the east division." Fortunato smiled as a raven-haired and shapely woman approached us. "This is Francine, with any necessary needs, she will be of the utmost aid. Ms. Francine this is my close comrade, Amontillado. Take very special care of him." A sly wink bestowed itself upon his eyes before he walked away, but not before a farewell statement, " I have some work to catch up on in my office, she shall show you to your room. We have a ball tonight, and tomorrow you start your new working life. I shall see you in a few hours. Play nice, won't you?"
The only necessary need I had at the moment was to inquisition if she was in a current courtship. The fair, yet homely woman in front of me took my breath away with every step I took towards her. "Your room is right this way." Her angelic voice titled, her eyes downcast. She then moved to walk away quickly, my eyes never leaving her petite frame for more than an instant, and that was only to nictitate.

A New HatredDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora