Chapter 11: My feelings can't get in the way.

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Angela's Pov:

Its finally Monday and I don't have to go to work!

Normally people hate Mondays but its the only day I don't work.

I was laying down starring at the ceeling and trying to process all that had happened in the last 3 days. Luckily I only dance Saturdays.

My thoughts were bothered by the smell of burnt food.

Monica was barely here she had a lot going on with her move this weekend. So this could only be Geoffrey.

"Angela!!" I heard him yell

I ran to the kitchen and found chaos.

"Mira pendejo what are you doing!?"

"I was trying to cook! are eggs suppose to look like that?"

I looked over at the plate and saw the black omelet.

I couldn't stop laughing. His eggs looked Like tires!

"Wash the pan I'll show you how to make eggs"


"Okay Geoffrey, break the eggs into the bowl. Then chop some little ham and cheese cubes. then mix it together and pour It on the pan."

I watched him repeat the steps. He looked like a little kid who was learning how to make eggs.

"Okay now watch me make the pancakes."

"Okay? You think you can handle it?"

"Yep!" he said proudly

"Okay well let me take a quick shower and change."


The beach has been calling my name for months now! I really wanna go today and forget about things for while.

I finished getting ready and went to check on Geoffrey.

"TADDA! I did good right?"

"Yes! not bad for a first time" I joked

"I even made coffee! try it!" he said proudly

I tasted it and quickly spit it out.

"Is it really that bad!?"

I gag at the after taste it left on my mouth.

"Royce! You put salt instead of sugar!"

"REALLY!? I'm sorry!" he said and ran to get me water

I chugged down the water bottle.

I looked over at Royce's guilty face and started laughing like a crazy person.

"I'm going to have to get labeled containers for salt and sugar."


"Its true! pareces un niño Geoffrey! 24 años y no sabes lo que es la sal y el azucar!"

"Hey! siguele no mas! You have a box full of Cheetos!"

"No I d-, wait? did you take one?"

He laughed "No!"

"Thats what you knocked down the other day?"

"maybe" he smirked

We continued to joke around for a couple minutes and cleaned up the table.

"I'm calling my friend Jenifer today!! Wish me luck!" I said as I made my way to the couch

"she's the one that works at Sony music?"

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