Hand over them toes

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Mike wazowski was ready and feeling it now ;)). He walked over to his lady love, Celia. She said in a sultry voice "are you feeling it now mr. Wazowski ;)))))👅👅👅" Mike started breathing heavily and pushed his phat body against her succulent, saggy, milk jugs. Mike wazowski bent down and started to rub her slippery foot fingers. He couldn't control himself. He stuck his mouth on her toenails and sucked like a vacuum whilst sounding like Mr Krabs when he receives some of that good sponge boob. He couldn't resist her smoking hot scaly bod. She let her snake hair caress his shiny head. The snakes slithered around his forehead which was bigger than the great Sahara desert. All of the sudden they heard some wet slapping coming towards them. Randall slithered around the corner and saw them. "What're those two funky fuckers doin" he thought to himself. Celia quickly snatched her weave off of Mikes head and tried to look innocent. Mike wanted to stop, but he couldn't. He breathing said to her "lemme succ your face." She suppressed a giggle and said to randall "hello, randall, you look fetching today." Randall smirked and checked out celia. "Oh celia, if only you knew how much I wanted you right in this moment." She sighed in ecstasy. Mike stepped forward and slapped randall across chest (because he was too short to reach his face). "Wow mike, if you wanted to touch me, you could have just told me ;)" randall leaned down and grabbed Mikes face, puking him in for a kiss. Mike pulled away, looking embarrassed. "Its..it's my first time doing a threesome..." celia rubbed his back and said, "my sweet assbutt, it's okay, let me guide you." Mike was harder than calculus test. He grabbed celia's behind and rammed his juicy "basilisk" into her "chamber of secrets". Randall was up in there feelin it up. Celia moaned like a bear going through labor. Mike eyes were wide open. Just the sight of randall and his thicc thighs made Mike almost ejaculate. Mike went faster and faster until he burned his peepee from all the friction. He pulled out and shot his cum all over randall. Celia began to lick randalls chest with a burning ferocity. She wanted him. Randall gently placed his small tic tac onto her waiting tongue. . But for some reason, she did nothing for him. He was disgusted by the cum in her mouth touching his smol boi. He took out his dick and bent down to sick it. He started giving himself the blow job of a life time. His cum tasted like burnt plastic. Another man named randall stopped at the sight of what was going on. Oh fuck he though, there was cum everywhere

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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Mike Wazoski perfect toesWhere stories live. Discover now