The Storm

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Swirls of grey,
Enamoured the sky
They gathered together,
To spill and cry

I stood there
Feeling empty inside
Yet trusting the sky
From whom I couldn't hide

And I joined the outpour
As it come to a violent roar
And the louder it  screamed at me
The less I felt sore 

Drenched in my sorrow,
Dripping with hurt
Shouting at the wind
Buried emotions I began to blurt

And soon it came to a standstill
Where it whispered soothing words
Violent shakes came to tremors 
As the kind breeze soothed my world

A ray of light
Broke through the battle in the sky
I watched it through my tears
And I then I understood why

Bottled up pain
Is just like a storm
It gathers considerably 
Yet leaves you looking calm

Only you know
The weight of the dark clouds
How it burdens the sky
Keeping the sun out

And all it takes
Is a good cry
To leave you feeling empty
On the inside

But this emptiness
Is not a negative one
It's the kind of hollowness you feel
After a thorough wringing of your pain is done

And once again
Your world is filled with sunlight
Drying your tears
And telling you it's gonna be alright

And the rainbow is a reminder
Of the battle won
To appreciate the victory
Though the storm won't forever be gone

It'll come back one day
Accumilating in the dark
To haunt you in your loneliness
Your thoughts to taint and mark

But don't constantly be on the lookout for the storm
For it will leave you feeling numb
Instead, soak in the joyful rays of the sun
Enjoy the present moment for what will come, will come 

All Rights Reserved ©Azura Jaqueline Bellaire

Ok....before anyone says anything, I just wrote it right now. I didn't really have the time to sit and edit so spare me a little!  
I might redo the whole thing later but I'm gonna leave it as it is for now. Hope you enjoyed it! :)

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