A good observer

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Chapter 5

Akira's POV-

Omg omg !!! I should not have rubbed his chin.

For a 4 month relationship , this gesture would have been normal but for a first date he might mistake it as you-are-adorable-like-my-lil-brother move ! Oh god !! This is PDA gone wrong.

If only 'HE' had not turned up at this restaurant right now !

Lemme introduce you to 'HE' -

• Name - Skylar Joel Bach (commonly known as Sky)

• Age - 14

• Looks - To die for.

• Personality - To ignore !

• Relation - My ex !!

And at the moment his hands are intertwined with Luciana

Lemme introduce you to Luciana -

• Name - Luciana Rodriguez (commonly known as Life ruiner)

• Age -14

• Looks - To kill for.

• Personality - None !

• Relation - Nemesis (she is the queen bee but has taken it upon herself to make my life into 'Titanic')

I so want to show them that Angelo - who looks like a badass (and also hawt even though I hate to mention it) is my boyfriend.

"So why is that couple staring at you?" Angelo suddenly asked.

"Who ? Them !" I pointed my finger in a way that only we saw !

"Ya ! Who else ? Is there something going on ?"

"No. Don't be silly." I did a complete fake laugh , which even a five year old would have understood !

"I see ! So he is your ex !" How did he find out ?

" How do u know ?" I asked in a timid tone.

" Well...... It's a perfect explanation why you rubbed my chin , it also explains why you suddenly started fidgeting and getting self conscience and also why you are not looking into my eyes, because the moment I met u I saw that u r very confident "

" Wow ! You are a good observer !" That's all I could say!

"Thank you ! So should I ask how you managed to show him your true self?"

" Well not at the moment. But we'll see later ! After another date or two " I can't believe I am flirting with him.

" Sure ! I can wait. So ............."

" So ...................." Cue awkward !

" Do u want to leave or what ? "

" No. Just because they are here why should we not enjoy ?"

" I can't think of a reason "

" Let's order tea and....... Just chat "

" Sure mademoiselle ! "

The date is going well ......... Till now!


How is it ?

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