Sneak Attack

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"Dean stop!" Sam was begging Dean to calm down and push him towards his locker room. But of course Dean was stronger than her.

"Moxley go to the locker room! I will handle it!" This caused Dean to stop in his tracks. They were so close to the main locker room, to Dolph that he couldn't wait to get his hands on him.

"Go back to the locker room. You can have him later but not like this. Do not risk your career for him." And just like that Dean stopped fighting. Even Moxley didn't want to risk his job so he listened.

Watching Dean disappear around the corner Sam's next stop was the men's locker room. Barging in without care in the world she made a beeline for Dolph as the other guys were either telling her to leave or moving out of her way.

She shoved Dolph against the locker getting nose to nose with him. "I just saved your ass for the last time Nick. I don't know if you think i'm dumb or gullible but I'll tell you right now. You signed your death wish."

Without another word Sam walked out of the locker room. She was left with only 10 minutes to get ready. Running to the women's locker room she quickly changed then ran towards gorilla with her music already playing.

The crowd watched anxiously as Sam's music played but Sam was nowhere to be seen. The crowd was in shock as Sam was thrown through the curtain. Hitting the stage hard she held her head in pain. Whoever attacked her didn't come out.

Everyone watched as Natalya, refs, and medics rushed over to check on her. Rolling her onto her back Sam had a gash on her cheek just below her eye.

"Sam i need you to keep your eyes open." The medics were trying to check every before moving her since they only know is she has head trauma. As more time went on more superstars walked out on stage to help with anything they could.

No one knew what happened while fans assumed it was storyline. An ambulance backed up next to the stage as Sam was put on a backboard with a neck brace on. Watching as Sam was put in the back and taken away everyone slowly made there way backstage.

At the hospital Sam was put through test after test. They gave her x-rays, mri's, eye tests, even a ct scan. She had to get 10 stitches to her cheek and 3 inside her cheek. The doctors wanted to keep her for a few days to make sure nothing serious happens.

Their main concern is that she doesn't remember what happened. Her last memory is running to gorilla. The doc had asked her who he should call with any updates and the first person in mind was Seth.

He had to wait until his match was over but before she knew it he was sitting next to her as they watched spongebob waiting for the guys and the doc. Sam was on a few pain meds so she wasn't the most coherent. Seth stood when the doctor entered the room.

"Mr. Lopez. I'm dr. Harper." They shook hands before walking out of the room to let Sam rest.

"Ms. Lesnar suffered a laceration to her left cheek. We did a few tests to make sure she didn't break anything or cause any damage to the brain. The tests came back clear but she doesn't remember what happened. We're gonna keep her for a few days make sure that there isn't any swelling."

"Is there anything that could tell you what she was hit with or who did it?" The boys swore they were gonna find who did it and they were gonna make them pay. Their first stop was Dolph.

"Sorry sir. You'll have to wait and see if she remembers. Only thing i can do is make sure it doesn't get infected."

Seth sighed knowing he wasn't gonna get any answers. Walking back into the room he saw that Sam was finally asleep. Sitting back down he waited for the guys to show up before telling them what he knows.

About an hour later the guys walked in breathing a sigh of relief seeing Sam breathing. Seth explained to them everything the doctor told him but sadly it didn't give them any answers.

"Has she said anything?"

"No. Whenever she's awake she's out of it because of all the medicine. You guys find out anything?" Sadly their answers were no.

Seth had stayed with Sam while she was in the hospital which she greatly appreciated. Sam had stayed in the guys hotel room after she was released mainly so the guys could keep an eye on her.

The morning of Monday night Raw Sam was backstage in catering watching the show. She wasn't cleared to fight until next week but she sure as hell wasn't gonna sit in a hotel room all week.

Every now and then someone would come up and say they were happy she was alright but she just nodded watching them closely. She didn't trust anyone but herself. Taking a deep breath she calmed her nerves.

"Hey baby girl." Roman sat across from her with some food.

"Hi Ro boat." The pair laughed quietly at the ridiculous nickname Sam gave Roman when they first met.

Roman pushed his plate forward, it was filled with soft food that Sam could easily eat. Since her cheek hurt from the stitches she hasn't been eating as much as she should. Smiling gently she slowly started eating.

"Are you Alright? Everyone says your super jumpy."

"Just don't know who i can trust." Roman understood that. She had every right to be suspicious of everyone. Hell Roman knew he would be too.

"Thank you guys for helping me. You didn't have to."

"You're family. We look out for each other."

Roman was called to gorilla for his match. Hugging Sam he kissed her head and walked away. Sam threw the trash away before going to find the shield locker room. The guys weren't still known as the shield but they all still shared a locker room. She wanted some peace and quiet to think. She's been trying for the past week to try and remember what happened but it was getting frustrating.

Walking in Seth was sitting on the couch lacing his boots. Sitting next to him she sighed.

"Hey you ok?"

Sam shrugged frustrated. "Can't remember what happened. Its frustrating."

"You've been driving yourself crazy trying to remember. Why don't you take the night to relax and just enjoy the show."

As much as she would love to it's impossible. "I have nothing but time to think about it Seth. All I've been doing is sitting around doing nothing."

Seth knew she had a point. She's not allowed to fight, not allowed to go to the gym. But they didn't say anything about her coming out to the ring to support a friend. Standing up Seth put on his shirt.

"Alright come on. You're coming down to the ring with me."

The pair walked out of the locker room. The plan was that Sam would sit at commentary during the match. That way it gave her something to keep her mind occupied while giving Seth the satisfaction that she's safe.

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