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The teacher quiets the class with a loud thump of a book on her desk. "Okay, now it's time to tell you who your partners will be." The class groaned. The teacher raises her eyebrow and says, "This project is only 15% of your grade, I can make it more." The class screams no and we move on. "The duos are: Taehyung and Lucas, Jin and Namjoon, Chaelin and Jiyong." The teacher continues and you don't pay much attention until she says "Baekhyun and Y/N". You roll your eyes and start to regret the day you were born. Baekhyun's smug ass just smirks.

~Your POV~

Why am I with this dumbass? What did I do to deserve this. I'm a good person. Kind of, but still! Baekhyun walks up to me and sits on my desk. "Listen kid I've fought guys before and you'll be the next if you don't get off my damn desk." I say glaring at him with serious force. He scoffs and hops off. "Why don't you worship the ground I walk on like other girls?" He asks looking really curious. "Because I'm not desperate and I dont like you." I say. Baekhyun grabs his chest. "Your heart is on the other side dumbass." I roll my eyes. He quickly switches his hands to act like he's hurt. "Ouch, why are you so mean?" I roll my eyes. "I'm going to class."  I stand up and get out of the classroom.

~Time skip to lunch brought to you by sehuns yehet~

I get to lunch and sit with Jiwoo. Jiwoo has a huge grin on her face. "What's up with that smile on your face?" I say smiling back. "I heard your partners with Baekhyunie oppa!" She squeals. My smile drops and I sip my milk. "Oh, that idiot." Jiwoo frowns. "What do you have against him?" I look at her with a 'seriously do i really have to explain?' look. She looks at me expectantly. I sigh "Hey babe I'm Baekhyun im a fuckboy I only fuck DDD girls. Aka dumb desperate and dependant." I put an ugly smirk on my face. "He may be attractive but he's a jerk." I say. Jiwoo looks shook. "What?" "So I'm attractive?" A annoyingly familiar voice says. "Yes you are you're a dumb jerk too." Baekhyun looks surprised then comes back to reality and steals my fry. I grab his wrist before the fry touches his lips and slam it on my tray. "Touch my food again and I will kill you. I am dead serious." I say glaring at him with force, if looks could kill he'd already be dead. "Well shit, I wont try that ever again."

Hope you liked it! Check out my other book thinking about making a kpop imagine book. Idk maybe if I have time.

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