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A loud thumping was heard as I locked the door behind me. I pushed the guy on top of my mattress. "Don't move" I ordered. I felt my father's and brother's presence at a distance behind me mixed feelings filling both of them.

"Listen to me Seth Morgan" I said as he attempted to talk. "I have questions and you have the answers, help me and I'll help you, deceive me and I'll let them have their way with you" I pointed at the raged males behind me. They feared the unknown; anything they couldn't understand was a threat for them, and that was exactly what Seth Morgan represented. A threat they would gladly dispose of. "Trust me, they don't do well with words" I added as he eyed me up.

He silently studied my features, his intense stares started to get on my nerves. "Stop looking at me in such a way and just answer me" I blurted out.

"What do you wanna know? How I know you? Your family? Your powers? The fact that no matter how hard your mother tried she couldn't reach into my mind, or how your aunt's screams don't faze me at all?" he listed the things I knew and failed to understand.

He stood up which caused me to back off in full alarm. "I won't hurt you" he said making my brother shield me.

"You mean you can't" Charles said warningly.

"Even if I could, I won't" he simply answered. "Look I'll tell you everything you need to know, but since I know you, I'm sure you won't believe me" he added before my father could interrupt.

"You can try" I stated.

"My name is Seth Morgan, but I guess I already uncovered that detail" he began. "I used to live in the same town you lived in, at least before you disappeared."

"How so? Disappeared?" My father questioned.

"I don't know, one day we woke up and you weren't there." He explained. "Everyone in town forgot you, it was as if you never existed" he added. "Well, except for me, I remembered you and I tried to find you for the past three years."

"How is it that only you remembered? Did you have anything to do with it?" my father asked warningly.

"No of course not, though I did look around, I mean there was no possibility for you to just vanish out of nowhere and only me to remember you" he confidently stated his doubts afterwards. "Well, unless a spell was casted upon you, one that didn't affect me"

"Why wouldn't it affect you?" I asked curiously. "Out of all people, it was only you, the guy who safely made it into here, and seems to be so confident about his statement" I dared him to speak silently as my eyes were locked with his.

"Because you made me immune to them" he answered me. "That's why I'm not affected by any of your powers" he added addressing my father. "Well except yours" he looked at me.

I snorted in disbelief "Why would I do that?"

"It is because you love me" he answered immediately.

I looked at him as my lips parted. I examined the guy from his bloody figure to his wet clothes. I didn't need to ask any further. I noticed the way he was waiting for my response and I guess my next state wasn't what he expected as I fell into a fit of laugher.

I laughed so hard at how foolish he believed us to be, I laughed out of amusement and out of disbelief. I think I just laughed for the sake of it. "You just lost your chance in talking" I said as my last laugher died.

With that said my brother grabbed the guy's arm getting him out of the room, but he escaped his grip taking him by surprise only to approach me.

"Think about it, how else would I know all this? how else would I know that you killed the first and last person at the age of ten, that your grandfather is dying ever since, that you went against your father's words and are still trying to learn teleportation, that if I open your top drawer I would find the book of potions your aunt has been looking for, for ages"

He was telling me secrets I tried so hard to hide, secrets even I seemed to forget about myself.

As I shook my head and backed away, he stopped me. "Why else would you sacrifice yourself for me Nova?" he asked referring to the previous night.

My brother suddenly pushed him away, giving me the space I needed to absorb all of the given information. "Are you alright?" he asked worryingly.

"I'm okay" I nodded, still feeling the numbness in my legs. "Just get him out of here" I refused to look at him, or give him any opportunity to mess with my mind any more.

My brother locked the door behind him as he pushed the guy out of my room. "Remember me Nova" that was all he said before leaving.

I sat on my mattress absorbing the information, analyzing them. Love wasn't an option for me, I never was one to feel, especially not with my abilities. I never liked being confused, and that guy, Seth Morgan, if that was his name, was making me confused.

"Nova" my father gave me a break of my thoughts. One that I was thankful for. I looked at him, his expression giving away that question he wanted to ask. "How did you get him here?" he still questioned anyways.

And so I told him, every detail I recalled, every feeling I experienced, I did my best to make it like a vision for him. And all the time he just looked at me, silently nodding to some of the words I said. He was linking the information I gave him, trying to understand the things that confused me.

I knew for sure that he wouldn't be able to do so, as it was just a fact that no one else could.

At the end, he just nodded and stood up. He opened the top drawer and pulled an item out of it. It was an item that confirmed his doubts. And my biggest fears.

I didn't know who Seth Morgan was, but his story held some truth in it. And I was the one to reveal the wrong sides of it.   

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