don't do it!

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~ zelda's pov ~

i was running from someone who i never thought i would have to run from. link. we had just had a meeting with my father in the castle and he told us the plan to defeat calamity ganon. link had this blank stare on his face after the king told him that he needed to defeat the calamity. when we left, he wasn't talking. and he still had the blank stare. now normally, he would talk to me. he never really opens up to me fully, but he would at least say something. at night, he said that he was going out to get some firewood, but i followed him. eventually, i saw tears start to form in his eyes. he was quietly trying to muffle his sobs, and he held his head in his hands. he sat down on a tree stump and i saw a squirrel approach him. it crawled up to him and nudged him slightly. link pet it's head and slowly said, "i'm sorry..." his voice cracked and he was trying to stop his tears. it was then that i decided to go back to our camp. a few minutes later, link came back with a bundle of wood over his back and no traces of him crying.

"Hey! I got some firewood!" he seemed happy, but i could clearly see the pain in his eyes. He started to set up the wood on the floor and was about to use his flameblade to light it when i said,

"Link... why were you crying in the woods?" as soon as i said that, he dropped his flameblade into the grass and his knees buckled.

"So you saw that, huh...? It was nothing... just not feeling good..." he went to go grab the blade again, but i stopped him.

"Are you sure? Because i saw your blank stare in the meeting and afterwards... please... please talk to me!"

"You want to know what's on my mind? Fine... i'm tired of always having to be the hero! I save everyone all the time! But who saves me?! I just want to have a normal life for once!" he had gotten up and some tears slipped down his face.


"No! Just shut up! I'm tired of always having to save the entire world!" he then just froze. His angry face suddenly turned to one of pain and sadness. He fell onto his knees and clutched his chest with one hand. He gasped for breath and uttered my name before falling to his side, unconscious.

"Link!" i rushed over to him. I can understand him. I shook his body and after about 30 seconds of me just shaking him and calling his name, he opened his eyes. But they weren't his. They weren't his normal blue and they had lost all of their shine that they normally had.

"L-link?" his frown turned into a sadistic grin and he started to laugh menacingly.

He turned to me, his smile never leaving his face. He laughed and ran straight at me. Luckily, i dodged before he could land a fatal blow. So this was his breaking point? I felt like something was controlling him. But, instead of trying to get link back, i just ran as fast as i could in the direction of the castle. And that's where i am now, running towards the castle, link slowly gaining on me. I yelled at the guards at the front gate to let me in, but they weren't fast enough. Link quickly approached me and thrust his sword into my heart. I fell down immediately and my vision was going fuzzy from the blood loss. I could see link fighting the guards and, shortly after, he killed them. He killed them. Why? He stood there, a smile still on his face, but now, despite the rain, i could see tears flowing down his face. Link's knees buckled and he looked as if he was feeling that same immense pain from earlier. He fell onto his side again, and he got up after a few seconds. He looked confused as to where he was, but i couldn't see what he was doing anymore. My vision was no longer there. I could hear him stutter my name and i heard soft footsteps in the mud and puddles on the ground. He was coming to me.

"Zelda! Zelda, oh go what the hell did i do?! I didn't mean it!!"

"L-link... why...?" those were the only words i could muster.

"Z-zelda! I'm s-sorry!!" he hugged my body and i could hear guards voices on the other side of the gate. Link looked up from me and tried his best to lift me up into his arms, but he had lost all of his strength. He could barely even stand.

"Link... i know... that you didn't... mean it... please... just run away..." overcome with fear and sorrow, i closed my non working eyes. I lay limp in his arms and a tear slipped down my cheek before i finally gave in to death.

~ link's pov ~ (btw, sorry if u don't like this. It doesn't really follow the story of botw...)

"Z-zelda? No, NO, NO! Don't die!!" i heard voices of the guards from inside the gate. I tried to lift her up again but my arms would not work no matter how hard i tried. The guards opened the gate and, overwhelmed by fear, i just left zelda and ran. I just ran.


~ A/N ~

i know that his doesn't follow the story. and i know that link doesn't talk normally and that it's much much farther into the game/memories when link opens up to zelda. sorry if you don't like it. and any comments are appreciated. also i said that this story would come out earlier than it did... sorry... my internet was down and i was sick all week. i hope you enjoy the story! bye my wolfies!

(i have no idea why i called you that. ._.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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