Chapter 1 (Video Replaced)

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Naruto was thinking in his messy apartment. IT had a half-working fridge, a broken air conditioner, graffiti on the walls, and some blood stains on the carpet. He had gotten out of the shower to show his scared body from all the times he was caught by the villagers. He traced a scar over his right eye as he was lucky enough not to have lost that eye. He used a lot of make-up to cover it as it took a lot out of his paycheck. He was thinking about all the times he had escaped the villager's beatings, all those times he failed the exams, and how he felt so weak when fighting Sasuke at the Valley of The End. He felt so weak all those times, and it made him pissed. Clenching his fist, he punched a wall yelling "WHY AM I SO WEAK? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?!" he punched the wall over and over again "I WANT TO BE STRONG! I WANT TO HAVE POWER! I WANT TO SHOW THEM THAT I'M NOT WEAK!" he shouted as the building shook

"But you're not weak, Ken-chan," said the voice of a little girl as Naruto turned around to find no one there. He stopped hitting the wall as he just shook the voice off and got dressed. He still wore that hideous jumpsuit, and always had the same thought 'What kind of warrior wears orange?'. He walked down to where his team was supposed to be meeting and saw Sasuke sitting there near the tree and Sakura trying to talk to him 'Weak little girl, she's a disgrace to those who actually try to become shinobi,' he thought as he walked over and sat down next to them without a word. His teammates noticed this and Sakura asked "Naruto, are you okay?", when he heard her voice he put up his fake smile

"Of course I'm fin, Sakura-chan, why wouldn't I be?" he said with fake enthusiasm

"Alright, if you say so," she said as she went back to trying to get Sasuke to go out on a date, but in the back of their minds they had the same thought 'What's wrong with him?'.

2 Hours Later:

They all had been waiting for 2 hours when suddenly, "Yo, sorry I'm late," a lazy Inu appeared "A black cat crossed-"

"YOU'RE LATE!" both Naruto and Sakura yelled as Kakashi just sighed and went on with the day's lesson

"Alright, Naruto and Sakura, I want you two working on your chakra control and stamina," said Kakashi

"What about me?" asked Sasuke

"I'll be teaching you a new-"

"WHAT?!" shouted Naruto as Kakashi calmly looked at him and said

"Naruto, you and I both know that you're not strong enough yet,"

"And Sasuke is? I'm the one that beat Haku, I'm the one that beat Gaara, I'M THE ONE THAT WHOOPED HIS ASS TO GET HIM BACK!" shouted Naruto as Kakashi eyed him

"I will admit that you did beat Haku, but if Sasuke hadn't worn out Gaara, he would have beaten you, and if Gaara hadn't shown up during your last mission, you would have lost Sasuke without his help, so that's why he's stronger than you," with a calm voice. As Sasuke was hearing this he had a thought 'Why didn't he hear the report I gave him? I remember putting down that it was Naruto that beat Gaara, what's wrong with him?', "Sensei, it was Naruto who beat Gaara, I wasn't able to lay a single finger on Garra, let alone get close enough to breath on him," said Sasuke as he stepped up to Kakashi "that and he beat me fair and square at the Valley of The End, and Gaara arrived at the Valley after I was knocked unconscious," he explained as they all went wide-eyed. It was at this moment that Kakashi knew something was going to happen to him because, 1, Sasuke was admitting defeat, and 2, now that Sasuke told him the truth, he felt nothing but fear coming from Naruto. Kakashi was sweating profusely as he slowly turned his head to Naruto, who had his head down with his hair covering his face. At this moment, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi had all one single thought 'OH, FUCK!'. Kakashi begin begging in his mind and thought 'OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT, KAKASHI YOU FUCKED UP MORON, YOU MESSED MORE THAN THE TIME YOU GOT CAUGHT PEEPING IN THE WOMEN'S BATH HOUSE WITH LORD JIRAIYA!', while in Naruto's mind he was thinking

'FIGHT, FIGHT, KILL, FIGHT, FIGHT!'. Naruto then turned his head up to reveal... a smile "Sasuke-teme, Sakura-chan, can I talk to Kakashi-sensei alone... please?" he said with his trademark foxy grin and with closed eyes. Sasuke didn't say anything and he wasn't mildly concerned. Sakura was concerned though as she thought 'Maybe I should talk to him, he looks angry despite him smiling,' and she moved forward, but wasn't able to go toward him as Sasuke put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a looked that said: "Don't". She reeled back as she turned away and walked off with Sasuke. When they were gone, Naruto turned back to Kakashi and lost his smile, but kept his eyes closed. Slowly, Naruto opened his eyes to show Kakashi a world filled with hate, sorrow, guilt, and every negative emotion known to man. Kakashi was unnerved by this and started to say "N-Naruto I can expl-"

"EXPLAIN WHAT?!" shouted Naruto as Kakashi noticed some electricity flowing around the area "EXPLAIN THAT YOU FAVORED SASUKE OVER ME?! EXPLAIN THAT YOU ONLY NEEDED ME TO HAVE SASUKE PASS?! EXPLAIN THAT YOU TAUGHT HIM THE SAME JUTSU THAT WENT THROUGH MY RIB CAGE?! EXPLAIN THAT YOU PUT OFF ALL MY VICTORIES ON HIM AND MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A LOSER?!" Naruto shouted at his teacher as he decked him in the face, sending him flying a few dozen feet

"N-Naruto, I-I'm sor-"

"I"M SORRY?! I'M SORRY?! IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY HATAKE?! HOW ABOUT THE TIME YOU CRITICISED JIRAIYA FOR TEACHING ME THE RASENGAN?!" shouted Naruto as the ground started to shake and the yellow electricity became more and more frequent and Kakashi found it a little bit harder to breath, Kakashi, slowly, stood back up and said "N-Naruto, that move is dangerous and powerf-"

"SHUT UP!" shouted Naruto has Kakashi felt his body getting heavier and Naruto was surrounded by a golden arora "I'VE HAD MORE FUCKING POWER IN THIS SEAL THAN THIS WHOLE VILLAGE COMBINED, SO DON'T TELL ME WHAT'S TOO POWERFUL!" shouted Naruto as there was a huge boom that surrounded Naruto. Then a golden arora formed around Naruto and shot up into the sky, Kakashi looked Naruto as saw that he wasn't there anymore. Standing there was a man with spiky hair and a sick smile on his face. Kakashi also took notice that he wasn't in Konoha anymore, as there was a desert as far as the eye could see. Kakashi then saw a skull form above the man and it shot at him. Kakashi was then hit with enough force to make one of Tsunade's punches look feel a tickle, all the while music could be heard in the background.

(Video replaces. It's the scene where Kenpachi gets excited, erupted into a laughing fit, destroyed a house, and makes a bleach transition)

Kakashi was then knocked out and a rush of purple came from the trees and latched onto Naruto. When Naruto turned to see who it was, he saw that it was Anko... and she was hugging him. She wasn't caught in the illusion, but still saw the skull and golden arora that formed around him "Shhh, shhh, it's okay, it's okay, are you calm?" she whispered in his ear as the golden arora disappeared and Naruto nodded slowly with tears on his face "Good boy, now how about you get back home while I take care of Kakashi?" she said as stopped the hug. Naruto then walked to his apartment as Anko feel like it was the right thing to do. A part of her felt like it was right, but she shrugged it off as she made her way to Kakashi.

Unknown to all of them, they were being watched.

  [Alright, I'll be making this story along with another one, (The NarutoXDB), hope you enjoyed this first chapter as I want to continue it]  

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