The nothing boy.

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The boy with the beautiful sorry starry-eyed glance
Who could convince the sun and the moon to give him a dance.
With one word he convinced the mountains to move and the trees to wave.
But for some reason his grievances could not walk away.
Even though he had a lot left to say and I'm sure that the time was not fleeting away.
He could only seem to remember the man
who enjoyed giving him a whack and never gave a second for him to breathe.
Down the hallway the boy would creep to get a peek through a cracked door.
Though he wished he hadn't anymore.
All he ever saw was the man standing tall above all the broken glass
he had left behind after his spiteful act.
The man after dancing with bottles from the cellar
could not seem to remember that the boy was not his enemy
for he began to burn him with his words and bruise him with his hands.
Tears begin to fill the boy's face.
And I with my wicked smile began to pace.
I knew the boy would be ready to act
so I gave him a word on which he'd surely obey.
I said slowly, giving him a kind sweet deceitful smile,
"Boy, listen to me.
Even though the stars in the sky will move for you,
he will never stop blaming you for what happened.
I can stop all the pain but all you have to do is wish your life away.
And just like I knew he would, he listened.
And now he's burning.
And I am smiling.

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