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"Mom, dad." Galena shouted as she walked through the house.

The father she got the more the tears came. Her breathing became heavy. She looked at the damaged walls. The furniture had burn marks on them. The house was a total wreck. She walked into her room. Nothing was touched. Everything was perfectly fine. She saw a tape and note placed on the center of her bed.

Galena grabbed the tape. She fumbled with it trying to put it in the VCR. Her hands shaking with fear of what happened to her parents.

"Galena, baby if you're watching this then they have came. Listen to us carefully." Galena's tears became heavy as she heard her mother's voice.

"Sweetie, under your bed is a suitcase with money." Her father spoke. "I need you to leave town, this place isn't safe anymore."

"We love you Galena." Her mom cried. "We'll come and find you. Do Not Come Looking For Us."

"Stay safe, keep yourself on the low." Her father choked, holding his tears back.

Galena pulled the suitcase from her under her bed. She looked to see about a million in the suitcase. She packed her bag taking the picture of her and her parents with her. She clutched her necklace in her hand. A necklace with the metal symbol on it that parents gave to her.

"I'm sorry mom and dad, but I'm coming to look for you." She teleported to her car with all her things.

She sped off leaving town. She headed off to California. She remembered hearing her parents talk about it a lot. Only stopping for food and gas on the ride there she got there with in four days.

Galena got a hotel to stay in for the night. She soaked in the bath thinking of her next plan. When nothing came to mind she took a nap. She woke up hungry and with no plan.

With only food on her mind Galena went out. She saw that Burger King was selling the spicy chicken nuggets again and cheered with joy. As she walked into Burger King something felt weird. She looked around then shrugged the feeling off. As she was ordering her food she felt it again. Looking around again she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She shook her head and grabbed her food.

An Asian boy with reddish color hair walked up and sat down. He looked at her, studying her.

"May I help you?" Galena asked.

She felt the weird feeling as she did earlier but this time it was stronger.

"It's you, isn't." He said. "Your..."

Before he could finish Galena grabbed her stuff and food teleporting to her car. She looked through the window of Burger King seeing him sitting there with wide eyes. She got in her and sped off.

"I gave myself away." She hit her steering wheel angry with herself. "Damn it Galena."

She pulled into the hotel rushing to her room. She made sure it was locked good. Galena finished her food and paced the floor. She needed a plan. She needed to stay low but she failed that.

The weird feeling that she felt in Burger King came back. She heard footsteps. Her heart beat picked up as she heard a knock on her hotel door. The door knob jiggled.

"What do you what?" Galena called out.

"To talk." He said. "Open the door please."

There was a click and it opened. The guy stood shocked as she wasn't behind the door but in the corner of the room.

"How...? Never mind." He walked in shutting the door.

He walked over to her. The weird feeling grew stronger. He smirked.

"It is you." His voice was soft. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

He walked away sitting the bed.

"This maybe shocking to you but you're my soulmate." He smiled.

Galena stayed silent. She wanted to teleport away but something told her to stay.

"Who are you?" Galena asked still in the corner.

"Kihyun." He smiled. "You?"

"Galena." She eyed him.

"You can teleport, open door with your mind..."

Galena cut him off. "I can control anything that's metal."

Kihyun's eyes widen.

"That's awesome." He smiled. "I make fire."

He held out his hand as a ball of fire formed in his hand.

"I can't control fire which sucks." He sighed.

"You haven't mastered it yet?" Galena frown thinking.

"It's either that or I can't control it at all." Kihyun shrugged his shoulders.

She watched as he checked his phone.

"I gotta go." He stood.

He wrote down his number and left.

"Soulmate?" Galena mumbled. "Never in my twenty one years of living..."

She looked down at the paper. Galena rolled her eyes. She put his number in her phone anyways. She smiled as she put his name in her phone as Cute Asian Boy. Instead of texting him she laid down thinking of plan but still nothing came up.

She had no idea where her parents are. She has no idea who took them. How can she find them without any information. That little light bulb went off in her head.

I hope you all enjoy this book
If you catch any mistake I may have made
Please let me know

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