0.14 These Empty Halls

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Author's note: The chapter is mainly about Elsa. Her fears revealed and a past that seems to haunt her. The chapter was supposed to be 10,000 words long, but I was too tired to continue. But head's up, the chapter is longer than usual, so, hang in there!

With regards,



"...and for every moment after."

The sun slowly perched on the thick pink clouds, breaking the caliginous sky’s wrath with the faint lights of morning. The wind swayed slowly, rustling the damp leaves, picking up what was then lost that evening. The light broke through the curtains, slanting its way towards the couple huddled in between sheets, in between their own warmth. They danced faintly on the freckles of her nose, the hints of heat swirling and swirling on her cheeks as they reached her closed eyes, awakening the beauty submerged in the tides of her dreams. A small sigh of contentment bubbled from her lips as she stretched her arms and slowly opened her eyes to welcome yet another day with the man she loved. A smile stretched on her face as she shifted herself to face him, the joys of being devoted to only one man enveloping her. The smile yet to turn into a shy grin as her eyes landed on the sleeping beauty beside her. She lifted the hand that bore the ring of their vows and placed it gently on his face, creating soothing circles on his cheek as he snored silently, the morn still not fazing him. And with that little advantage, she took her time admiring the face she had never been so tired to stare at.

His thick auburn eyebrows were hunched together as if he was thinking something over in his sleep. She had always considered watching him through the course of night as a past time. To her, there was nothing more entertaining than to watch her husband ponder on what fickle things that came to his mind whilst seated on an isolated chair in the middle of the fireplace. His long thick eyelashes fanned over his cheek, long and thick enough to have the young women envy him for it. Below, freckles as fine as sand danced on his sunbathed complexion and ran all the way to his left cheek, meeting halfway, right on the bridge of his nose to the very tip. Her fingers danced on them, as if outlining every freckle, as if making her own version of constellation. Her grin died down to a wondering smile as she placed a cold finger on his lips. Not one millimeter separated each lip from each other. They were sealed as if they were meant to keep secrets that were for his ears only. But of course he wouldn’t keep a secret from her. After all, she was his wife and he trusted her, just like her him. But did he really? She ignored the pestering question lest she might sour her morning and affect not only her work, but the growing life inside her as well and continued to admire the outlines of his face.

The small touches from her cold fingers then awoke him from his slumber, and she had to suppress a giggle at her own fault. He opened his eyes slowly, and then fluttered them close, trying to get rid of any trace of drowsiness. When he finally opened them, a gentle smile rested on his face at the sight of his beloved wife, hovering over him, watching him as if he was a precious little child. He lifted his hand to her face and rubbed the tiniest and most comfortable circles on her cheek, grinning at the way her prevalent pallor turned into a faint shade of sanguine. No words were needed as they held each other’s gaze with fervent ardor that didn’t seem to fade away through the small touches of time. The smile so faint but so genuine, smiling as if it was the first time they had the chance to hold each other like this. And in truth, it was, for they have been busy tending to their duties, tending to their four year old daughter’s needs and the townspeople as well. Indeed, they haven’t had enough time to hold each other like this.

Her platinum blonde fell on her face like a veil, concealing almost every part of her beauteous visage except her captivating smile and ocean deep blue eyes. He traced his thumb over her eyebrows that were knit carefully in slight confusion as he marveled her face as if she was the last shining diamond in Arendelle. He was too thankful to have her and to hold, to love and to care for, knowing that he had once tried to destroy the beauty right in front of him. The flashback of what was left after four years wavered, but his smile never faded, knowing that their love was too strong to be erased away in the wind because of the dark past both of them had been through. He was then finally able to accept that he did deserve her – all of her and their daughter who bore the face of her mother. The throne didn’t matter to him now as it was only a de minimis position he had to fill in. It wasn’t as close to his family as it only offered authority and cold walls. This was his dream – to be with her, to love her, to hold her as long as he shall live. If he was a pirate, she’d be his treasure trove.

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