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so shy

     "And this is y/n, we've known eachother for a real long time..I'm sure you'll like her.." your lifelong friend patted your back whilst introducing you to her friend who goes by the name of something you've already forgotten. He holds his hand out, smiling down at you with your eyes wandering everywhere besides his eyes. You feel a bit odd when your hand makes contact with his, this odd feeling does not cease to exist for a while. "We should get going.." he mumbles, it's unknown to you that he's been looking at you very often, almost as if he's making sure you're okay due to your lack of communication and social skills.

     Your friend starts to notice your strange behavior and pulls you off to the side before everyone heads out. "What's up? You never act like this..especially around new people..well I mean..not this bad.." you merely shrug, knowing a fantastic explanation but keeping it to yourself, worried. Not buying it for a second your friend pushes on. "No there's definitely something wrong..why won't you loosen up a bit? Donald's cool, there's no need to be afraid of him..and so is Joey and Markus.." hearing her list off the names of the other's joining in had left no sour taste in your mouth, aside of Donald's. If you've thought correctly, Donald was the one you were so uptight about.

     Once in your friend's car you feel more uneasy, because of your oblivion as to why, you start to become pissed off. Not at Donald, Joey, or what's-its-face, but at yourself. Being unaware as to why you feel a certain type of way makes you angry. You want to know why you're feeling what you're feeling. Donald sat in the passenger seat with Joey behind him, Markus to the left of Joey, and you to the left of Markus, in clear view of Donald if he were to turn his head. "Where are we going?" A simple question suddenly caused Donald's head to swerve, his eyes catching yours for a split second before he looks at Joey. "Bowling." a one word answer is what Joey gets in response, taking Donald's lack of description as rude or annoyed, you doing the same.

     As if on cue not even 10 minutes after Joey's question Donald asks you one. "Are you doing okay?.." you see sympathy in his eyes and hear pure care in his voice as you're brought to a smile, making him smile right back. "Yeah..I'm good.." your friend snorts from the drivers seat. "First time I heard you talk all day bud.." you roll your eyes at her false statement but stayed quiet. Finally you all arrived at the destination, legs wobbly from lack of movement you all head inside, black lights and disco balls hidden in the ceiling tiles. The music wasn't too loud, so you weren't straining to hear what Donald was telling you right then and there. "Joey and Markus are getting our shoes and your friend is getting snacks. Let's pick a place to sit.." you follow his instructions to a T, sitting besides him on a bench in front of the bowling floor.

     "What's up?" He asks you so suddenly you nearly have trouble thinking of an answer that wasn't completely stupid. "Nothing really, just pretty nervous.." his laugh sends anxiety filled chills down your spine as you flash him a nervous smile. "You don't need to be scared..I'm cool.." he pats your hand that sat in your lap. How he knew you were mostly nervous about him will remain a mystery for what would seem like an eternity. Not knowing what else to say you only smile at him, butterfly's flying around in your stomach at a cheetah's pace. After an akward 15 minutes your friend and the other's finally make it back with snacks and shoes. "Okay let's get started..Markus..you're going DOWN.." Markus only shakes his head at Joey's confidence.

     The night grew older, the bowling alley shutting down soon. You all left before the place actually closed to avoid any heavy traffic. This time Donald sat in the back with you, him on your right, Markus on his right, Joey in the passenger seat. Everyone was beat, if someone were to just look at the 5 of you they would no doubt say you all look exhausted. "Had fun?.." Donald whispers to you, not wanting to wake the two guys sleeping soundly. "Yeah..I actually did.." you smile at him and he smiles at you. Your friend looks at her mirror back at the two of you, remembering to let you both in on any plans she creates. "Something good's gonna blossom from this."

goddamn i hope u all enjoy this first chapter
at first i was really apprehensive about making another reader insert book but i mean, this can't be that bad
practice makes perfect and I have a solid 7 books to practice on
anyway hope u enjoyed i'll see ya

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