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new neighbor 

     A new girl recently moved into the apartment across from mine, she has beautiful h/c and the sweetest smile. I had originally wanted to head over there and help her unpack, but I could never find a way to approach her. I came home from work, climbing the stairs and hearing something hit the floor, then a loud huff. I look over and notice it's the girl, she was attempting to carry a box up the stairs to the 4th floor. "I wish the dumbass elevator wasn't broken.." she grumbled to herself as she leaned on the box, breathing heavy. "need any help?.." she turned her head quick, her hand making her way to her chest, feeling her heart pound rapidly. So much for a good first impression. "O-oh I'm sorry..I didn't mean to scare you.." she shakes her head. "Nah it's funny, I'm always jumpy..and I will gladly take up your offer to help.." she smiles at me warmly,  I gratefully return it.

 I pick up the box, shocked at how insanely heavy it was. "I had ran out of energy and momentum by the 3rd floor.." she explains as I use everything I had to move with this big ass box in my arms. "ah..makes sense.." I heave as I climb the steps, her right behind me. I finally reach her door, letting her tell me where it was as if I didn't already know. "okay, I've got it from here.." she says unlocking her door. "Thanks so much for the help, I owe you.." I shake my head, my hand up. "Nah no need..just being neighbourly.." she chuckles. "No really..I've gotta do something nice for you.." I think for a moment. "Alright..how about a date..tomorrow?.." she laughs, her face growing hot. "yeah, sure, I'd love to.." I nod and walk back towards my apartment. "I'll knock" I smile back at her as she smiles at me. "yeah you better.." 

sorry this kinda sucks yeehaw 

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