Chapter 1

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Sylas POV

My name is Sylas Jackson and I'm seventeen years old. I have an younger sister name Ally and even though she's a pain in the ass, I love her to death. We're only two years apart so we're really close. My mom would always say how glad she is that we're so close because her and her siblings weren't.

"Sylas! You're going to be late for school.", My mom shouted

I rolled my eyes and threw on my t shirt. I grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs. I walked into the kitchen just as my mom was getting ready to scream my name again.

"Sy-" Mom started

I cut her off "Right here mom." I said grabbing a muffin off the table.

She spun around and chuckled, grabbing at her chest.

"You nearly scared me to death Sylas."

I grinned ,"Mom you're so over dramatic."

Her smile slowly faded and gaze up at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked amusingly around a mouth full of muffin.

She just stood there staring at me. Did I have crumbs on my face?

I swallowed, "Mom?"

Her big eyes glistened with tears and I panicked. Was she having a heart attack!? A stroke!? What!?

"Mom what's wrong?" I asked panically

She shook her head and smiled softly "I'm sorry if I scared you sweetie. You just look so much like your dad."

My heart clenched at the mention of my dad. My dad died of lung cancer two years ago and its still hard for both me and my mom. He was a great man. My mom loved him dearly and I looked up to him. My mom had stayed by his side till his last days. It had crushed me to see my dad so still and unmoving. I had cried for days.

"I'll see you later mom." I said quietly and walked out the door.

"Dude move your ass before we're late." a voice said

I looked up to see my best friend Zach standing at the end of the drive way in another one of his "unique" designer hats. This one was orange with brown and green polka dots. Yes it is as ugly as it sounds. What dude wears polka dots and he's not even gay?

"Dude why do you wear those things?" I asked as we started walking

"Its a sign to let the ladies know who I am." He grinned

I rolled my eyes. Despite the ugly ass hats that he wore, Zach wasn't ugly. In fact, he did attract quite a few of the lady population.

"Yeah, and as soon as they see you and that thing they turn the other way." I joked , laughing hysterically

"Ha ha ha, so funny." He grumbled

We walked in silence for a couple of minutes before Zach interrupted it.

"You've been avoiding me." He stated

Which was true, I've been pre-occupied with thoughts of my dad. And when I think of him I like to be alone. The day he passed is coming up in two weeks and me and my mom always liked to go to grave sight and sit together with him. It's never less painful when we go, so I'm sort of dreading it this year. I'm tired of the pain and suffering. I know my dad wouldn't want me to be like this but its just so hard.

"Sy." Zach said softly

"Yeah?" I asked staring at the ground

"I know your thinking about him , which is why you need to talk to me." He said "You don't have to go through this alone. Let me in Sy."

I looked in his face and saw emotions going across his face, which was wrinkled with concern. I sighed, I'm hurting him by not letting them in, but if I let him then I'll still be hurting him by letting him see me in pain.

I sighed "I'm sorry but this is something I have to do alone."

His eyes search my face for a few seconds and he must have saw that my eyes were pleading with him to understand because he sighed deeply before saying "Alright but I'm here for you Sy. Always."

I smiled "I know man, thanks."

He grinned "Now lets go get some babes." He said walking off.

I chuckled, following behind him. With the way he's acting, you would think we were going to a strip club but we're not. Its just school.

We got to just as the warning bell sounded. We ran the rest of to the entrance of the school.

"See you at lunch dude." Zach said

"See Ya."

Zach took off down the hall to his class while I walked to mine. I dragged alone down the hall, not really wanting to go to class. I passed by a janitor's closet and heard moaning threw the door. I guess they couldn't wait until after school. I looked at the door for a minute before speeding up, not wanting whoever was in there to come out and catch me listening.

I made it to Mr.Sims door just as the bell ranged.

Grinning, I slammed open the door and screamed, "I'm not late! The bell is early."

The entire class looked up at me as if I had a frog on my forehead or something. I quickly found a seat in the back of the class and sat in it. I looked up and into the face of an angry Mr. Sims. What's his problem?

"Um, sir you're staring." I stated

A few girls giggled at my obvious statement. However, Mr. Sims didn't find that funny at all.

"Mr. Jackson you're late." He said

"No I'm not." I said smirking

"The bell rung and you were not in your seat."

"Didn't know I had to be." I said still smirking

"Well yes you have to." He said angrily

"Whatever floats your boat." I chuckled

The class erupted in laughter and Mr. Sims turned tomato red. Uh-Oh.


Shit. The last thing I needed right now is freaking detention. I huffed and slouched down in my seat.

"So not fair." I mumbled

Mr. Sims continued teaching and I zoned out after that, not wanting to hear the man's voice any more than I had to.

I was dozing off when the bell rung. Jumping up from my seat, I raced out of class, not wanting to give Mr. Sims the opportunity to say anything else to me.

My next two classes went by in a blur and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I was looking down at my phone when I walked inside the cafeteria so I didn't see the person running towards me.

"Look out!" A deep voice shouted

I looked up just in time to see a muscular boy running my way but not in time enough to get the hell out of dodge.

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