Chapter 1: New Classmate

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Nobody POV
Hikaru , Kaoru and (y/n) are
best friend. They always spent their time together since (y/n) the only one who never give up on them. They never care if everyone hate them as long as their had (y/n). Her smile make them feel happy, her laugh make them blush, her lame joke make them laughing and even when she sad they will also felt the same. She makes their life wonderful. Every day is full with happiness with her by their side.

But now, all for that will just be a memory for all them. (Y/n), their first girlfriend , the person who make their happy,the first person who can difference both of them, the person who keep them entertaining and the most important things is the person who makes their life complete has now gone because of them.

~Kaoru POV~
"You.... you and your twin the one who make her because like that!!!" A woman shout at two boys.
"We..... are sorry. We did not mean to hurt her. It just an accident." Both of boy say while they are crying.
"I don't care! It all your fault! Now Go Out and never ever show your face in front of me or my family again!" The woman shout at the boys.

"It just a dream" I say to myself while looking at the only picture of (y/n) that we have. It has been 6 years since that accident happened but I can't seem to forget her. I miss your lovely smile, your sweet voice, and your cute face. If only the accident never happened we will still be together.

"I hope I see you again." I said silently to make sure I don't wake Hikaru up.I put the picture back to the table and continue to sleep.

~The next morning~
"Class, please welcome our new student. You may come in now." Our homeroom teacher says.

Then a girl step in the classroom. She had a long (H/c) colour hair , shining (e/c) eyes and of course a very cute smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you guys. My name is Akagi Fukui . You can always feel free to call me Akagi ." Says the girl with a smile on her face.

"Alright, Akagi. You will be sitting next to the one of the hittachiin twin over there." The teacher says as he pointed at me.

It not a surprise for me since only haruhi can difference us now. For others , we are just the same person. I don't really mind that people can't difference us but sometimes it still hurts.

" Mhmm..... Excuse me ........ Hello did you hear me?" Say the girl who her name probably Akagi or maybe Asagi while waving her hand in front of my face.

"I'm sorry. What did you say just now?" I ask her with a smile since I wasn't paying attention to what she just said.

"It okay. I just wondering if you don't mind to share your text books with me I don't get mine yet." She says to me politely.

I remain silent but remove my text books closer to her. She say nothing as she continues to listen to the teacher.

"All rights, everyone. I want you to copy the note in your text book page 62 right now." The teacher says.

I turn my head towards the text book that between my table and Akagi's table. Akagi is coping the note in the textbook. I smile when I see Akagi is writing. She reminds me (y/n) when she was writing since both of them are left handed. Akagi must notice that I am staring at her because she looks at me with a smile. I look away and notice Hikaru is chatting with Haruhi happily. I stare at them for a while and start copying the note.

~Time skip~

" Alright everyone, that's all for today. I will see you guys tomorrow and don't forget to hand in your homework." said our math teacher.

I put all my books into my bag. I turn my head towards Hikaru and Haruhi. Hikaru is chatting with Haruhi happily. I know Hikaru love Haruhi but he was to shy to tell her. Hikaru calls Haruhi, our toy because he want to be closer to Haruhi.

My thoughts was interrupted by the noise of some people who were walking to left the classroom. I turn my head towards Akagi who is packing her stuff neatly into her bag. After she finished, she stood up and ready to leave the classroom. She must notice I look at her since she looks at with a smile and waving her hand at me before walking to left the classroom.

Someone of the guys even comment how beautiful Akagi is after she left. I stand up and follow behind Hikaru and Haruhi to Host club.

Akagi POV

"Class, please welcome our new student. You may come in now." my new homeroom teacher says. I walk into the class and introduce myself with a smile. The teacher point at a boy, "one of the hittachin twin" and ask me to seat next to him. I walk over to the table and set next to him. I turn my face towards him and ask if I can share his book. He doesn't reply me in fact he looks like he was daydreaming.

" Mhmm..... Excuse me ........ Hello did you hear me?" I say while waving my hand in front of his face.

"I'm sorry. What did you say just now?" He asks me politely with a smile on his face. He face was so cute especially with a smile on his face. I was screaming happy in my mind because he was so cute.

"It okay. I just wondering if you don't mind to share your text books with me I don't get mine yet." I say to him politely while trying to calm myself so he doesn't think I'm weird.

He doesn't say anything but move his textbook closer to me.
' Why he doesn't say anything. Do my face look weird or do his know I think he cute.' I say to myself while trying to pay attention at what the teacher was saying.

"All rights, everyone. I want you to copy the note in your text book page 62 right now." The teacher says.

I began to copy the note. Then I notice he is staring at me again with his cute smile. I look at him and smile back but he quickly look away.

' Do he thinks I have a bad hand writing or something that he keeps staring at me with his cute face.' I say to myself

I look at the direction where he was looking. I notice his twin was chatting with a guy who look like a girl.
'Maybe he lonely' I thought while continuing to copy the note.

" Alright everyone, that's all for today. I will see you guys tomorrow and don't forget to hand in your homework." said our math teacher.

' It already time to go back home. Time flies so fast. (y/n) must miss me so much. I can't wait to tell her my first day at school.' I thought while put my stuff in my bag. I notice he is looking at me again. I looks at him with a smile on face while waving my hand at him as a sign of goodbye.

' He must be waiting for his twin ' I think once I was outside of the classroom.

"I can't wait to go to host club. I want to eat cake with honey senpai. He is so cute." Say a girl to her friends.

" I want to see Hikaru and Kaoru. I want to play which one is Hikaru game. " One of her friends reply.

" But I heard only Haruhi use to guess it right. I don't think you can guess it right" The other girl reply.

' Host club? Why does the club sound so weird. I wondering who is Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru and Honey Senpai is. Maybe I would go to the club tomorrow ' I say to myself.

I look at my watch and quickly go (y/n)'s home.
' I can't wait to tell (y/n) my first day. She must be really excited to hear it. '

How did Akagi know who reader Chan was? How would Akagi react when she go to host club tomorrow?

Thanks you so much for reading my first story. I'm so sorry if the story this story a little bit confusing. If you think Kaoru is a little bit out of character, my bad. See you in next chapter. Please comment and I will try to improve my story.

(1460 words)

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