Act 01.

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Inhwa pov.

I open my eyes to see a very huge size of flower field in front of me, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, what in the world is this place? I speak to myself, still wondering why I'm here and where I am. I turned myself around only to see a castle. Yes, a castle, a numerous one. The scenery here is really beautiful and mesmerizing, it's like you're in a wonderland or fairytale or something.

Me then looking at myself wearing a long plain white dress. Wow, this start to seem more confusing yet interesting. Then I start to wander around this place, it have nothing else but the flower field and the castle. "okay, that's weird... " I mumble, still strolling around the place.

I walk into the flower field to get some look of the flowers out of my curiosity. And wow again, they do have many type of flowers here huh? Tulips, roses, carnations, sunflower, etc. The aroma of the flowers mixed together as they spread in the air, this somehow make me feel relaxed and comfortable. I walk and walk in this field as I feel that I maybe step onto something, and that something is a camera, it looks old but still can be use after I try to take some shoots with it.

I begin strolling again as well as starting to take pictures of this beautiful flower field. Just as I'm trying find an perfect angle for the picture, I can see a grey-haired boy afar, staring at me through the camera lens. And I realized I accidentally take a shot of this boy in the flower field, I mentally curse myself for being so clumsy. When I take a look of the shoot that I accidentally took just now, I was left speechless and awe. Wow. Again, this may be the Nth time but still, wow. The boy in this picture is just, just really beautiful and all, I couldn't find any sentence or word to say but stare into the picture instead.

I let the camera hanging on my neck while slightly shaking my head to shrug those thoughts off my mind. As I lift up my face again, I can see the boy is walking towards my direction. Oh my jisoos what am I gonna do now?! I question myself and started to panic.

Jisung pov.

I open my eyes to see that I'm laying in a huge flower field. I can feel my back aching because of the ground that I laid on just now. I slowly get up, observing this place that I'm not supposed to be in. Shouldn't I been sleeping in my room? Where am I anyways? I questioned myself and start walking around the flower field. I can see many species of flower here, even some of the rare species. I look around to only see the endless flower field and a numerous castle in front of the field. It seems that the flower field is surrounding the area of the castle. Interesting. I thought.

I stand up and realize that I'm in a white long-sleeved shirt and a pair of khaki coloured trousers. "weird, but looks good huh?" I kinda like the outfit, that's what I'm wearing in my daily life, they suit my taste. With that, I just stroll around the flower field, this place sure make me feel so good that I can forget the bad times I have recently. If you're curious, it's because the pressure of the upcoming exam and the packed schedule I have for the basketball practice, and no one will concern about me and ask how was my day and it surely stress me out.

As I continue to stroll around, I see a girl from a distance. She's... Beautiful. She is wearing a long plain white dress, holding a camera. Her hair is natural black-brown coloured. She just look simply pretty.

I think I saw an angel...  That's what I thought in my mind.

Without me knowing, I begin to walk to the girl slowly. Actually, my body just moved by itself, I don't know what's happening to me but I just keep walking to her direction. The girl let her camera hanging on her neck and look at my direction, seems like she has noticed me. I didn't think about anything much as I'm walking, and I'm now in front of her, the girl, the angel that I saw just now. There is a comfortable silence among us but I still can sense that the girl is nervous due to her stiffened body. It's cute. We just look at each other until I broke the silence, "umm, hi?" I manage not to stutter. The girl in front of me just reply me with a nod, she's indeed nervous.

Inhwa pov.

The grey-haired boy is now in front of me, staring into my eyes intensely.

"umm, hi? " he greeted, I become nervous. How can a person be so beautiful? I'm on an urge to cry, but I endured it. As I was about to speak to this beautiful human, a sudden headache struck on me, a painful one. The boy begin to panic and try to help me, I take a quick glance at him before I realized that I've completely blacked out.

"Inhwa, Inhwa-yah ——"

I jumped out from my bed to see my brother, Jung Jaehyun, was waking me up. "yah, Jung Inhwa, you know how many times I've called you?" the older said with an irritated tone. So, it was my dream after all? Weird.

"hehe, I'm sorry, " I apologized to him while scratching my head and get up from my bed and do some stretching. "it's okay, hurry up and get ready so we can go to school already, " he said, I gave him a nod and start to do my morning routine while still confused about my dream.

Finally!! I finally done for this story's first episode I'm crying 😭😭❤
I'm sorry if the story sound weird bcs English is not my first but I still try my best to write. Hope you guys can enjoy 💚💚

Yours truly,

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