Teardrops on My Guitar

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Storm Dragonfly walked down the halls of Dragonfly Castle.  It had been three weeks since Meteor/Mr. Heinous's attack on Mewni, and he and the rest of his people had been very busy rebuilding their homes their lives since then.  Meteor had left a trail of destruction in his wake, meaning the citizens of Mewni had a lot of work to do before they could return to their regular routines.

Right now, Storm was looking for his best friend and his royal squire, Marcia Diaz. It was Friendship Thursday, their treasured weekly tradition where they'd veg out, watch TV, gorge on junk food, and just hang out. They had had to miss the last few Friendship Thursdays while putting Mewni back together, and Storm knew, after he had very nearly lost her when Meteor sucked out her soul, they needed this little thing of theirs more than ever.

He turned the corner and bumped into Tamara Lucitor, demon princess of the Underworld and the ex-girlfriend with whom he'd gotten back together a few months ago. "Oh! Hey, Tammy!" They laughed it off, before the smile on her face slowly faded away. "I-I was just looking for you. I wanted to talk to you." "Oh, well, can you make it quick?", Storm asked. "I have to meet Marcia." Tammy bit her lip. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Storm blinked twice and cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?" Tammy twirled a loose lock of her pink spiky hair. "I've been giving this a lot of thought, and its a really tough decision for me, but I know that its the right one. There's no easy way to say this, but here it is." She looked him dead in the eye and said, "I think we should break up."

Storm felt as if time froze. "What?!" Never in a million years did he think that Tammy Lucitor, of all people, would break up with him. She had always been head over heels for Storm. She had spent months plotting to get back together with him before he came back to Mewni. Only after she stopped trying so hard to get him back did they reconnect. "Tammy, why are you doing this? Did I do something wrong?"

Tammy shook her head. "No, no, you didn't do anything wrong. Its just..." She took a deep breath. "I think you still have feelings for Marcia." That last one almost sent Storm falling backwards. "What?!" Tammy rolled her eyes. "Gove me some credit, Dragonfly. I'm not blind. I see the way you look at her. Besides, do you remember back during the raid of Mewni? Meteor was storming towards the castle, sucking people's souls, the kingdom was literally on fire...and your first priority was to save Marcia."

Storm found himself stammering. "I-I-I—" Tammy looked deep into his head. "Look, Storm, I'm not gonna lie. These past few months of renewing our relationship have been the best of my life yet...but it isn't fair to anyone if we keep going when your heart's not a hundred percent in it. I guess I always knew deep down you still loved Marcia, but I just didn't want to believe it. But I can't deny it anymore."

She took his pale hand in her clawed one. "Look, it doesn't have to be permanent. Just...a little break, until you get your feelings sorted out. But in the end, if you choose to to be with Marcia, I'll be okay. I just want you to be happy. Meanwhile, I need to work on my issues on my own...without a S.O. to lean on. Its the only way I can really change."

Storm shook his head. "Tammy, this is crazy! You're my girlfriend! Marcia and I are just friends!" Tammy smiled wistfully and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Its alright, Storm. We had a good run. You made me aspire to be a better person. I'll always love you for that. I hope we can still be friends after all this."

Storm was feeling sad. But was it for him or for Tammy? He wasn't sure. "Tammy, wait, please..." Tammy gave him one last kiss on the cheek. "Bye, Storm. I'll see you around." She snapped her fingers, an in a burst of red hot flames, she was gone, leaving Storm standing alone in the hallway, still trying to understand what had just happened. He had never been dumped, and now that he had, he found it was not a very nice experience.

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