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"Sarai, come on and dance with me!"  my best friend Xiomara says as she drags me to the middle of the dance floor.

She moved her hips to the Bebe Rexha song that blasted through the speakers in the school auditorium. It was our school Annual Social Ball which we all got dressed up for. The theme was literally just formal clothing.

"Actually, I think that I'm going to get myself a drink." I tell her, making my way to the mini bar.

I got a soda and stood on the side of the table. My eyes trail over to Xiomara who was dancing with a guy. It's been only a few seconds since I left her, but she  seemed to find a new partner to dance with.

"Sarai!" Robyn yelled, running from across the room and embracing me into a tight hug.

"Robyn!" I replied back in surprise.

I didn't think that anyone would be that excited to see me. Robyn stares at me, "I thought you weren't coming at all?"

"Well Xiomara said that if I didn't come with her, she wouldn't speak to me for the rest of the year." I laughed at the thought.

"Well, I'm glad that Xiomara got you out of the house, because there are a few people that I want to introduce you to." Robyn informs me, pulling me towards two girls who were dancing together.

I recently moved back to Washington D.C from England. I have been living in England with my Mom and all of a sudden she decided to ship me off to the United States to live with my father and his new wife.

"Sarai, I want you to meet Saige Covey, the head of the cheerleading team. She is also my best friend," Robyn looked at a girl with straight brown hair who wore a black dress with white high heels.

"This over here is Lily Human," Robyn stated while facing a girl with a champagne in her hands. She has blonde hair and pale skin with freckles on her cheeks.

"Hi, Sarai! It's so good to finally meet you." Lily says in excitement and hugs me.

"And this..." Robyn pulls over a boy who was dancing with his guy friends. "... is Jayce Walker, Saige's boyfriend."

The boy who stood before me had dark hair that was perfectly slicked back. He was wearing a white tuxedo which was probably just to match with girlfriend's outfit.

"Tyson is over there dancing with Xiomara and this is Marques," she signaled at another boy who was wearing a black tuxedo.

He had a man bun and tattoos creeping up his neck. I had to say that he was kind of sexy.

"Well, hello there," he greeted with half a wave.

"Robyn, didn't tell me that the new girl would look this good." I managed to roll my eyes at Marques when he spoke.

"She might have let that slip out. On purpose." I gave him a fake smile.

"She's attitude! I'm already falling." He added, smirking at me.

"Anyways, I'm Sarai and I can't believe that I'm saying this, but you're cute. Although can I tell you a secret?" I signal for him to come closer.

"I don't do fuckboys," I whispered into his ear.

Marques chuckled and moved back. "Well then you better get ready, because I might just win your heart," he stated placing his hands around my waist.

"It would be nice if you asked me to dance instead of sweeping me off my feet." I bellowed at him.

"I like her Robyn," he told Robyn who was standing across him.

"Come on, Marques. Leave the girl alone." A husky voice surmised.

I turned to look at the owner of the voice and I swear my heart stopped beating. Just for a second.

"Come on man. Stop acting so good today," Marques said to the owner of the voice who stood in front of us.

Marques looked at me as if I was confused. What he didn't know was the fact that I was star struck by the new boy who decided to join us.

"Oh Sarai," Marques began to say. "My rude friend over here hasn't introduced himself."

"He is–"

Lily is cut off by this new boy who gave me a small smile that could make any girl fall hard for him.

"I think I've got this, Lily." he said to her before he turned to me. He cleared his throat. "I'm Ethan Covey, it's a pleasure to meet you Sarai."


Hey Wattpad Readers, 

Here's the first Chapter I hope you love it. I really hope this book comes along well there will be an update every Friday and I want you all to meet someone special who plays a big role to in this book queenofthecloudsz is my editor and I must say I'm so thankful for her ❤️

x Ru♛

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