Voltron only its things my friends and I have said

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I am sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just been SUPER busy! 

Libbie: That's your excuse? 

Jason: 😡 Make it up to the readers, Author. Now.

Ok, here is a look into my messed up life.


Keith: I crave death.

Pidge: *sigh* I know


Keith: The world hates us.

Pidge: The world hates you.

Keith: The world hates me.


Keith: What part did you play in the musical?

Lance: I was a background character.

Keith: Oh yeah...

Lance: I was also a tree.


Alllura: Tommorow is the Kentucky Derpy Hat Day!

Keith: *Wears a cowboy hat*


Keith: To sum it up, I got us killed by a giant venus fly trap, Pidge got us stuck in 1887, and Shay managed to not get us killed.



Keith: What the H-


*Talking about Kosmo*

Keith: Why does he like you so much?

Axca: Yeah, he thinks your'e his mom!

Krolia: No he doesn't.

Keith: 'Yelling at Kosmo' I named you!

Axca: 'Also yelling at Kosmo' And I slept with you!


Axca: What is wrong with you, bro?

Krolia: Get your mind out of the gutter!


Keith: I'm not going to die first! You die first!

Pidge: No! You!



Keith: Yes, I am a boy. Do you want to check?


Keith: I really enjoy basking in the sun like a cat.

Coran: *snickers* 

Keith: I did not mean to make that joke!


Lance: I literally ship only the gay characters.

Keith: To an extent: Same.


Keith: I literally fool my parents that I'm alseep and end up staying awake till 1 in the morning.


Keith: We have literally imagined me picking her up and driving away while she flips off her sister.

Shay: There is something very wrong about that.

Keith: You were in the back giving her the birdie.

Shay: Now it's accurate.


Keith: Have you ever heard of Thomas Sanders?

Lance: OMG YESSSS!!!!!!!


There we go. BTW in literally every situstion I am Keith.

Percy: 🙄 Wow.

Annabeth: Your life is very... interesting. 

Leo: 🤤 Dude. DUDE.

Jason: You have now offically made up to the readers. ☺

Libbie: I literally have nothing sarcastic or bitter to remark right now.

Leo: Was that a.... Sander Sides reference?

Libbie: 😨 

Libbie: Bye Guys and Gals and Non-binary pals. 👋

Leo: Hey... HEY GET BACK HERE!!!!!!

Peace Out, Paladins and Demigods ✌

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