Chapter 12

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There will be Spanish in this chapter. For those who don't know it, like me, there will be () with the English version inside. It get this from google translate so if it's wrong, I'm very sorry and am a horrible human. Enjoy!

"Hey! You're back!" Shouted a random person from down the hall. I had been getting several of these seeing as I was gone for a few days in the hospital. But I had only been here for a week so how did everyone noticed that I was gone. Whatever.

I was mostly limping down the hallway towards the boys and Lilith. When I got closer too them, I noticed an arm around Lilith's shoulders and it was Drew's. The ship has sailed. A huge grin grew across my face, but soon was replaced with a frown when I didn't see Ashton wasn't there. I also noticed that there weren't that many people around. What's going on?

"Hey you guys. Where is everyone?" I looked around, not knowing what to do with this big of an absences. Looking at one group of nerds in the corner, some had sad looks on their faces as they stared at an empty spot in their circle. 

"Oh, a lot of people aren't here. Don't know what it is, but a lot of the teachers aren't here either. It's kinda confusing," Blake answered. That doesn't sound good. Not wanting to think too hard on this, I decided that going to class would be a better option. 

While walking to class, I'm stopped by someone shoving me into a wall of lockers. What the hell?! Turing to see who so politely pushed me. And there stood the magnificent Ravana. Note the sarcasm. "Looky here girls, its B*tch. Where have you been?" Her two friends stood on either side of her. All of them covered in pink. Gross.

"So I guess you haven't heard. So I'm sorry, I've been having fun hanging out with your so amazing Ashton." I say in a sarcastic, girly voice. Placing my hands on the lockers to help me with support because the shove caused my abdomen to flare up in pain. Ravana and her girls let out shocked gasps. You have got to be kidding me. 

"How dare you spend time with my boyfriend!" Ravana shrieked out. This caused the hall to quiet down and a crowd started to form around us.

"Oh my lord." I mumble out at how pathetic she was being. How many people don't know about sarcasm because I just found three. "I wasn't hanging out with your boy toy. I was in the hospital. Isn't obvious? You know, with my limp, my pale skin, and oh I don't know the bandages covering me?!" I'm so done with this chick. 

"I don't believe you." She continued to shout out nonsense. Rolling my eyes, I quickly decided that I would just leave and not deal with her anymore. Slowly I pushed myself off of the lockers and limped my way towards the crowd. "And that's why you shouldn't- hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Stopping in my tracks, I turn around and give a bored look.

"Oh I don't know, maybe away from you," I continued to try and make my way out of the crowd and towards my first class. Key word; try. Before I could get any farther, two pair of hands grabbed onto my arms and pulled me back, slamming me into the lockers, again. On both sides of me were her little minion chicks. 

Slowly she walked up to me, while I struggled with my injuries. She let out this where cackle, making her sound like a witch. She probably is. "Oh you aren't going anywhere any time soon." Her girls dragged me away from the crowd and outside. Is no one going to help, know save the wounded person from getting even more injured. What? No volunteers. That's what I should have expected.

Once we were outside, the girls shoved me to the ground. This caused all of my injuries to flare up in even more pain. Even if I wanted too, I can't fight in this state and especially not at school. "You see, B*tch, no one is allowed to hang out with my boyfriend. Not like anyone can seeing as he always pushes every girl away. But you," She shoots me a deadly glare. "You are a different story. I don't know whats so specially about you. So what does he see in you?" She starts to mumble to herself. 

Maybe I should have just kept my big mouth shut. Looking at her, I try and think of something I could do to get her off of my back. If I stand up and run for the doors fast, she'll just attack me later. If I tell her that there is nothing between me and Ashton, she'll think I'm lying. What the hell am I supposed to do?!  Before I could make up my mind on what I was going to do, a foot came flying towards my face. Lifting my hands to stop it, which was so not going to be fast enough, a hand came out in from of me and grabbed the foot. The person wore a black jacket, covering his face. 

"I don't think it's very kind to go and kick an injured person in the face." The person pushed Ravana's foot back with enough force to cause her to fall on the ground. Her minions rushed to help her, but Ravana pushed them off of her. 

"And maybe you should stay out of other people's business." She shouted.

"Oh and you are so staying out of mine right now." I say sarcastically. She gives me a blank look. Right she isn't go with sarcasm. 

"What are you talking about, why should I not be in your business when it in values my boyfriend? You really are dumb, aren't you?" A dirty smirk spreads across her face as she gives a victorious smile to us. I just give her a look that sums up everything, 'are you really that stupid'.

"For the last time, I didn't do anything with your boyfriend. Seeing as Ashton and you aren't even dating." I mumble the last part, hoping no one would hear me. I was so wrong.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?! OF COURSE ME AND ASHTON ARE DATING, WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR THE WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR!!!" My ears are bleeding! She is so loud and I don't think I will ever be able to hear properly ever again.

"Whoa, chica (girl) calm down, no need to make our orejas (ears) bleed. We can hear you." Thank you, at least someone agreed with me. "Anyways from the sound of it, you are just jealous because this guy you speak of seems to be more interested in this injured girl over you." Why does his voice sound familiar?

"Whatever," Ravana grumbled out and ran off with her girls, *cough cough* clones *cough cough*. The guy back around to me and afford me a hand to help me off of the ground. Giving him a small smile I took his hand and he slowly pulled me up, stopping every now and then from my whimpers. Stupid stick. Stupid overly powerful man.

"Thank you for that, I'm not sure what I would have done if you weren't there to save me." I speak after I was able to stand on my own. Okay so I held onto his arm for support, but it hurt and he was good support.

From under his dark hood, I see a smirk spread across his face. "It was my pleasure, dear lady." Wait, what happened to his Spanish accent? I'm so very confused. "You know, I never expected you to be able to defeat my father, not many can." Panic and fear spread throughout my body. Quickly I let go of him and walked backwards, but fell down because of the pain. 

He let out a chuckle and walked over to me, kneeling down next to me and pick up a strand of my hair. Bringing it close to his face, he sniffed it. "I thought these matters would be held outside of school, not in." I growled out. 

"Oh, no one ever said that. Our goal is you, and we will have you. But I was told I can't attack now, later and so I have to wait and be bored. However my father never said anything against having so fun." His laugh was just dripping with darkest. I could see the waves of Dark Magic flowing out of him as he started to cast a spell.

"You don't have to do this, just leave everyone alone and take me. No one is here to stop you so let's go, just leave them out of this." I begged, not wanting my siblings or friends to get involve, not again. He tsked at me. This isn't going to be good, is it?

"Sorry love, can't do that. And where is the fun in that." He lifted his hands to my face. "Now I can't have you going and telling everyone who I am seeing as none of those boys saw my face during the fight. Well other then the twins of course, but that doesn't matter. Zaboravi me, prekrasna."

A bright light of Dark Magic flashed in my face and that was it. I couldn't defend myself because I was still to weak from the first time I fought him and now he is taking this as his advantage.  I forgot his face, who he was, what he did, what he was going to do, and what this almighty plan of his was. We are so screwed, why can't we just live normal lives, not these messed up ones...

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