Fiction Becomes Reality

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Everything was normal until the rising of the dead. I was a normal 16-year-old going to Central Valley High-school. I have a younger brother who played hockey as a goalie. I had my main best friends and friends, everything was normal- I had normal friend issues but it was a good life. I love my parents and family and I was close with everyone. Everything changed so quick, I lost my life the day the switch was turned.

The day before the rising..........

I walked down the long hallway dodging people left and right. I finally caught up with my friend Raven who was heading to our science period.

"Hey!" I breathed with a joyful sound. Raven turned around and looked at me.

"Oh, hey! Sorry I didn't see you behind me, I would have waited" she gave me a welcoming smile tinted with a small grain of regret.

"It's fine. Are you ready for science?" I asked thinking of what we might do today.

"Yeah, how about you?" She questioned me as we walked through the sea of people.

"I am, I'm wondering what we're doing today. We're probably doing another lab or a reading."

"Yeah, probably." We turned around the corner and we approached our destination. I opened wooden door and held it for Raven.

"Thank you!" She responded great fully. we both took our seats at the black tables seated in a group. Raven sat next to me while my friend Grace and Lexi day across from us. Julia, my other friend, sat next to me at another table with her friend Scott, who I did not particularly like. Across from them were just other kids from our class. My teacher Miss. Penny cane around to all the tables distributing an entrance ticket. I quickly picked up the white paper and read the questions.

What are the three main types heat can be transferred?

Then there were a bunch of pictures we had to label. I picked up my blue mechanical pencil, pressed the granite in and started two write down answers.

The teacher walked up to the front and talked over the answers and spoke of what we were going to do today. This was my last period of the day and then I could go home and relax.

About 45 minutes have passed and the lock down alarm went off. The whole case looked at each other in puzzlement. We all slowly stood up and went to the corner and looked at the teacher for answers. The room went dark and the door was locked. We all sat running questions in our head. As we sat in silence we could hear screams coming from the hallway. Fear ran up into our bodies as the screams of death echoed in our minds. Soon the screams stopped and ten when we thought it was over more screams came from the classroom next to us. Kids and teachers cried out for help. Then we heard someone banging into the door. Then the door knob was being turned. I looked at Raven and Julia seeing fear in their eyes. They looked at me and from their reactions they could see terror in my eyes too. The door became unlocked and was opened. All my class mates shrunk into the corner for safety, but I knew that the corner of the classroom was not a safe place. If someone came into our classroom we would be cornered.

The door swung open and all of us jumped. Mrs. Reynolds, a 9th grade teacher came in with a blood-stained shirt. We could see she had a bite mark on her neck with blood oozing out of it. She stepped farther into the room, shut the door and walked over to us. Her face was contorted with worry. She walked over to Miss. Penny and spoke in a hushed tone. After that she walked into the front of the room and started explaining what the situation is.

"Ok, so I know your probably all scared and worried......." She pauses thinking of how she should phrase it.

"So, this is not a normal situation, the police have come but something like a virus is infections people. The government is trying to stop it from spreading, they think if you get bit or scratched by one of those things out there then you'll turn into one of them." She paused listening for something. The came knocks on the door.... Well they weren't really knocks they were someone banging on the door.

Mrs. Reynolds whipped her head around opening her eyes so wide that she looked like a deer caught in the beams of headlights.

" oh.... No!" She started backing up as the banging grew louder.

"Wha--what's going on? What's happening?" A kid from my class spoke up blurting out some of the same questions all of us ran in our heads.

Mrs. Reynolds broke from he ever longing stare from the fearsome door with knocks echoing and rattling through our heads creating fear. "Well I'll give it to you strait due to the...the circumstances. I'll give it to you plainly, people came in and started.... Attacking people.... Eating them. Even though some people.... Well, died they came back to life and became monsters who started attacking band eating people. I don't want to scare you, but you have to know the truth." She bowed he head and then collapsed onto the floor. All of us sitting on the floor jumped back as Miss. Penny rushed over to the heap that had once been Mrs. Reynolds. We all stared in puzzlement wondering what to do next, what is going to happen, what is happening? Miss. Penny rolled Mrs. Reynolds over on her back so she could see her face. Miss. Penny stood up quickly to grab the bandages from her desk and put it on Mrs. Reynold blood stained neck.

"Alright everyone, I know you have many questions and you are probably all scared, but I promise we are all going to be ok. I will get you out of here. I need everyone to stand up and stand against the wall in a line. We are going out of the classroom, but we NEED to stay together at all times." Miss. Penny said in a worried tone but what she and the rest of us couldn't see coming, the beings on the outside weren't the problem at this second it was the threat on the inside.

I looked at Raven who was sitting next to me and I whispered to her "What do you think is happening? I wonder..." but I was cut off by the unconscious Mrs. Reynolds body started to stir but it wasn't the normal Mrs. Reynolds it was another creature, a monster. We all stared at Mrs. Reynolds and noticed how pale she was, she stumbled getting up and was growling. The class drew closer to the wall from seeing her frightening appearance. She started walking closer and everyone was frozen in place. I was slowly trying to walk away, and I could hear Miss. Penny yelling at was once Mrs. Reynolds. She latched on to one of my classmates named John Grant. He was confused but after Mrs. Reynolds grip tightened on his blue shirt and then tore into his neck, tearing into the soft, alabaster skin pulling it into her mouth as blood poured from his neck hitting the people next to him. Pain and fear welled in his face as he cried out in pain pushing her back off him.

"Arggg, get off me, you insane psycho." He spat at the creature through the pain. He clenched his jaw and moved his hand towards his neck cupping the wound. Mrs. Reynolds recovered from the forceful push and came after another person, Miss. Penny pulled her back not knowing that Mrs. Reynolds was going to turn around and attack her next. Mrs. Reynolds pushed Miss. Penny to the ground starting to rip her to shreds. Miss. Penny was desperately trying to get away but couldn't as she screamed out in pain. I was still frozen in place from what happened earlier and now I realized that I must get away. I don't know where yet, but I must get away.

I got all my friends and told them to come with me. Some were hesitant but followed. I had only realized what these monsters were, but when I realized this I knew that this was the end of life as we know it. It was the Rising of the dead.

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