Niels X Reader (Niels and Gang)

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(y/n) was walking down an alley when she saw what she feared most aimed at her head. A gun. Panicking, she dropped into fetal position and started to scream "I'm Sorry! I'm sorry!" when a hand when over her mouth. "Shush. I need you for something and if you say yes, I'll let you be after that." You nodded. Words? Ha! Fists? Really? Knives? Alright, liveable. But guns? Nuh huh. Nope. Never. he grabbed your hand a pulled you up. "Alright, do you see that man?" He points at a brunette ' I need you to seduce him. but don't tell him that I sent you and deny that I sent you if he asks or anything about me. you nod and walk out of the alley towards the man

Time Skip

You had your head down as  Niels tied the "Agent 300" to a chair. only one problem though,

he was Nude. Butt naked. Naked. Whatever you call it. but poor little (Y/N) had to see it all. but she could handle it. her family may not have known it, but she was a prostitute. You know the who 'money for sex' kinda thing.  "You may look up now, miss (Y/N)" (Y/N) looked up and Agent 300 turn neon red. "Niels why do you have a young girl in here while I'm butt naked! wait, I remember a beautiful face like that. You're (Y/N)! the girl who I met at the bar earlier!" he said, fairly surprised. (Y/) noded, not caring about his little dilemma.

Then, not much to Niels surprise, another man bursts in and aims a gun at you and Niels. "Let. Him. Go." He says. "I-I'm sorry!" You Cry. the man lowers his gun and suddenly Agent 300 is at his side while the man, called ' Agent 250' hands him a coat. you look at Niels " Why did you do this to me?"

"Because you're interesting" 

"How am I Interesting?" you whimper.

you suddenly feel arms around you and you look up. "well, I don't know. Are you married?" Niels asks.

"No. Why?"

"You should be. you really pretty."

"He is right you know." Agent 300 says with a warm smile " and you also have the sweetest smile."

you just couldn't help but do just that after his comment. " You're free to go," Niels says handing you a piece of paper with a phone number on it. " Call me if you like."

then Agents 250 and 300 hands you papers also with phone numbers "If you need assistance with anything let us know."

"And if you're lonely."

"Thank you," You say, slipping out of the crime lords hands and walk out the door with a massive blush on your face.


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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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