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"What do you want to do now?" Asked Yoona with a smile.

Ever since they had confessed to each other they have been laying on the couch in Seohyun's ex-dressing room. Well, Yoona laid on the couch while Seohyun... well, she laid on Yoona.

Legs entangled together, Seohyun's arms wrapped around Yoona's waist and her head was buried on the older girl's neck.

'Perfect.' Thought Yoona as she felt a smile crept its way on Seohyun's face, the younger girl's lips softly brushed against Yoona's neck, placing a sweet kiss on her neck.

"Don't know, whatever you want to do." Answered Seohyun.

"If it was my decision... I'd just stay here with you for the rest of forever..." Replied Yoona with a small blush on her cheeks.

"So cheesy Yoongie..." Said Seohyun teasingly as she sat up, sitting on top of Yoona's legs.

Yoona sat up and immediately wrapped her arms around the taller girl's waist, who was now sitting sideways on top of her lap.

"Let's go to my place... it's already late and there's cereal there, so we can have dinner and then go to sleep, what do you think?" Asked Yoona as she unconsciously started rubbing patterns on Seohyun’s waist.

“Sounds perfect.” Said the taller one as she leaned down slightly and placed her lips on top of the older one’s lips.

‘Perfect, more than perfect.’ She thought to herself once again as she kissed the younger girl back, already predicting that it would take a few more minutes for them to actually leave the place.

“I don’t like that motorcycle.” Said Seohyun as they arrived to Yoona’s apartment.

“But you said earlier that it was fun!” Whined Yoona as she used her best aegyo and intertwined her fingers with Seohyun’s.

“Yes, I liked it earlier, but everybody drives like mad men at night!” She exclaimed, “I swear I felt like I was going to die like four times, and I’m not even considering the times you increased your speed and I nearly choked you.”

Yoona laughed wholeheartedly as she remembered the sort of funny moments in which Seohyun hugged her like her life depended on it, obviously showing her fear towards the small vehicle.

“Next time we’ll use your car, I promise.” Said Yoona as she pulled Seohyun slightly, dragging her to the entrance of her apartment building.

“Thank you, Youngie~” Answered the younger one while using her incredible adorable secret weapon. She winked at the girl while mimicking a gun with her fingers.

Yoona could only blink lots of times as she was witness of the most amazing display of cuteness she had ever seen. She felt her heart skip a beat, only to pick up an incredibly fast pace, the colors got caught on her face, making her turn a bright red and she felt the temperature of the room go up by a few degrees as she felt a slump on her throat.

Oh god, no. Not now.

But she couldn’t fight it, what she witnessed…was just too cute and she couldn’t fight the innate need to… well…


As the high pitched squealed escaped her she noticed the younger girl started laughing at her.

“What was that?” She said in between laughs.

“I told you last time!” Said Yoona as she hid her face behind her hands. “When your cuteness is too much I just… need a way to release it… and it seems like squealing is the way my body releases the ‘aegyo filled feels’.” To say Yoona was embarrassed would be an understatement.

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