Wow That Was Easy-Tristen

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Joseph and I decided that for Maha to meet my "boyfriend" that we should probably meet where Joseph and I normally met, at the mall, in the food court. I told Maha to meet us there at 12, thank god it was Saturday. It was 11:10 when we finally got our plan set. The plan was to make Maha think that somebody else from our school was my boyfriend, and then once she didn't believe our story then we would tell her the truth. Even if she did believe our story, we were still gonna tell her the truth. Of course we figured it out yesterday, it's just that we just got the plan all set.

As usual, Maha gets here 15 minutes early.

"Hi Maha!" I say with a smile.

"Hey Tristen." She says smiling back. "Where's your boy....friend?" She asks as Griffin McCormick, the guy she likes so much walks over. Her face as he did, *gasp* priceless.

"Hey babe." He says as he comes up to me and kisses me, which kinda grosses me out, but it was better than I thought it would be.

"Hey." I say smiling a little to make it look real. All I had to do is think of it being Joseph that kissed me instead of Griffin. I look at Maha who looked a little less surprised than I thought she would be. She giggles and slowly claps.

"Kissing a guy who isn't your boyfriend and smiling after he kissed you. Especially a guy you absolutely hate. Impressive, Tristen. You really are a great actress." I probably look like an idiot because I tried to raise one eyebrow but epically fail. Maha laughs and says "Come on. I know you're dating Joseph, the guy that I absolutely hate."

"How did you... when do you find out?" Maha smiles and laughs which confuses me even more.

"Everybody at school knows. I found out that Monday."

"If you knew then-" She interrupts.

"Why give you all that trouble?"


"Because I wanted to see how long it took you." I stand there shocked as ever.

"And using my own boyfriend as your fake boyfriend? Tristen, I know for a fact you could have done better that that."


"Griffin is my boyfriend."

" You could have told me that before I kissed.. wait WHAT????" "Did she just say that Griffin is HER boyfriend? If he is that means... I just kissed my best friends boyfriend."

"I'm just kidding." She says laughing. I let out the breath that I didn't realize I was holding. "I wish he was."

"Well do you want that wish to come true?" Griffin asks which startles me, or maybe it was the fact that at that same time "somebody" put their hands around my waist. I knew it was Joseph that did it because I could smell his cologne, Ocean Royale 007. Boy that stuff smells good.

"Well are you just gonna leave him wondering or are you gonna answer him?" Joseph asks. Maha gives him a quick "Death Stare" and turns back to Griffin

"I'd, I'd love to." He walks over to her kisses her and starts walking. He turns back at looks at her.

"You coming?" She looks at me and I mouth "Go". She smiles real big and catches up to him.

"You told her didn't you?" I ask facing Joseph.

"No I didn't."

"Oh come on. I didn't tell her and I know for a fact that none of my friends or anyone else that knows her, told her."

"How are you sure?"

"Because I told everybody BUT YOU that if they did, I would beat them so hard that they would have to go to the hospital." I say smiling to make it a little creepy.

"Fine. I did it. I told Maha because I wanted to prove to her that anything she does will not stop everything or anyone. Especially my feelings for you." I smile and kiss him.

"How'd she take?" I ask.

"She said "Nobody has ever done that. Congratulations. You are really brave."

"I didn't think she'd take it like that."

"Neither did I. Although she did say that if I hurt you in anyway possible, she was gonna hunt me down and make sure I never did it to another girl ever again." I laugh a little. "She also said if that didn't work then she would make my death look like an accident."

"That's my Maha." We laugh a little and then Joseph says, "I'm hungry. What about you?"

"I'm starving." We laugh again and go get something to eat.

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