Chapter 9: Escape Plan

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A/N :
Just for clarification, about Sweden's accent. I have heard that he doesn't omit every single vowel or so I've been told by YouTuber Hetafacts. I credit her also for talking to us about the character traits of

Denmark's POV

     I thought this robot curse was the worst that can happen. When I saw Prussia getting cursed one more time, I guess I was wrong. I'm afraid of what the witch can do to me. Besides, I miss my beer and cinnamon rolls. From what I have heard and seen, she is planning to take over the world by turning us into robots. I thought I, the king of Northern Europe, can beat her, but she has controlled me once.

It seemed as if nothing happened. From what I saw from her spells, I knew she is up to no good. I have a few Lego bricks in my pocket. I'll just wait for the time she takes off her shoes.

     I started counting my bricks. "What are you doing with your Lego bricks, anko? I don't think now is the time to build another Lego palace." asked Norge. "Norge, don't you think we should escape? It will not be good if that witch takes over the world." I told him. "For the first time in forever, I agree with you." he told me. "Let's ask the others." I said. We asked Sweden, Iceland, and Finland. They all agreed to join us. "Ar' you s'r'? It m'y be r'sky." said Sweden. "It won't hurt to try. It would be much better to try and fail, rather than to not try at all." I told Sweden. "F'ne." said he.

     I started telling them the plan. "How are we supposed to do that? It's impossible." Iceland said. I know he has zero self-esteem, so I decided to give him, and the other two hope by talking to them about my secret, which only Norge and I knew. I looked at Norway for approval. He nodded. We made sure nobody was looking. "A very long time ago, Norge gave me a bracelet." I rolled up my sleeve to reveal a cool bracelet.

"'Thank you for taking care of me, anko.' said Norge. He gave me the bracelet and told me to use it wisely for it holds special powers. He also told me to never take it off.

"For a few months, I kept on pondering about the power the bracelet possesses. 'Maybe it gives me a lifetime supply of beer, cinnamon rolls, or danishes.' I kept on wondering, until one day. The both of you," I faced Sweden and Finland. " were having dinner in a nearby cafe. Norge asked me to join him buying coffee and butter in a convenient store.

"After buying coffee, he took my arm and dragged me to the bathroom. I asked Norge what he was planning to do. 'Do you promise not to tell anyone?' he asked. I nodded. I was not sure what he meant, but I'll keep the secret anyway. 'This shall be a secret only the two of us know. If anyone else knows, then they will come for you. If you wear the bracelet, it gives you the power to turn into a seagull.' It was totally cool. A powerful bracelet for the king of Northern Europe.

"'Say these words: I wish to become a seagull, but don't just say it. Say it with your whole heart. You have to want to turn into a seagull for it to work.' I said, 'I wish to become a seagull.' I started to feel my arms turning into wings and it was awesome. 'How do I turn human again?' I asked Norge. 'Do the same thing, but wish to turn human again.' answered Norge. 'I wish to become human again.' I said."

"I guess I should tell you now because it is just what we need to escape. So this is the plan ......."

When the witch goes inside, Norge, Sweden, and Iceland will throw Lego bricks at her while Finland and I discretely leave the scene. I'll get the key out of her pocket. I'll turn into a seagull to fly and perch on her head. Finland will pretend to be Santa Clause greeting her an 'Advanced Merry Christmas' when he is actually using her key to open the cage to get my axe, Sweden's sword, Norge's phone and wand, Hanatamango, and Iceland's puffin. I'll distract her while the four leave and when everyone else escapes, Norge will keep the door open while I fly out. Finally, we will escape. "I am not the last. I just feel good about myself." said Iceland.

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