Request Note (A/n)

33 6 2

Okay, I am troubled with a habit some of you have, and it's very difficult for me to then see who's getting who, and who came before, so the thing is, when you want to adopt, please don't just write 'May I adopt this?' etc etc, but right the NAME of the Pokemon you want to adopt, and that also in the comments section cause I see the comments section and not the comments like 'May I adopt this?' one you make next to the Pokemon or it's details in the story area, where you can comment a single thread (You get it what I mean) so please just write it in the comment section which Pokemon you want, or else I've to give you last priority, no offense, and thank you for understanding 

Pokemon Adoption CenterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ