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There is a place I go to whenever I feel disheartened, disappointment, unhappy, any variations of anger or depressed. Or sometimes I just go there because the world around me becomes too busy or noisy. The tranquil silence and peaceful atmosphere makes it feel like I am suspended in time and that everything is alright.

This place is a window seat located in the attic which was converted into a library many years ago. All four walls are mounted with towering bookcase packed to the brim with books of all kinds, from cookbooks to sci-fi. There are a few cushioned armchairs, two couches and a loveseat scattered around the area. By some of the seats there are small coffee tables to place either your books or other working/leisure equipment. Even though there is quite a bit of furniture occupying the space there is still an open space in the center of the room. The space is big enough for me to dance in when I don't feel like reading or I need to calm down.

The window seat is directly across from the door. It was padded with throw pillows adorning it. The throw pillows were all shades of green and red and some even black. The padding of the seat is incredibly soft and is a mosaic of red, green and black. The window covers majority of the wall leaving only enough space for a bookcase on either side of it whereas the other two walls have six bookcases mounted against them and the one across has four bookcases, a little wider than the others, mounted against it because of the door.

Whenever I sit on the window sit or lie on the window seat, I can't help but look outside to the trees that are lush, green and full of life, the grass that sways ever so slightly in the wind and the clear lake. Majority of the trees outside are as tall as, if not taller than, the house and the trees that are not are very close to reaching the height of the house. All the trees are sturdy and my siblings like to climb them. There are many different types of trees surrounding the house, from fruit trees to evergreens. The grass is so incredibly soft looking and in spring it is decorated with all kinds of blossoms and flowers. I remember that when I was younger, my sister, mother and I used to sit and make flower chains and crowns together. I also remember swimming in the lake which is so clear that you can easily see the bottom of it. In the sunlight it looks like many little crystals are shining on the lakes surface.


I snap out of my reverie and find myself back at school in the library with Tessa calling my name. It seems I had spaced out again. If only that attic library, that window seats and those memories actually existed.

[word count: 496]

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