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It's 12 am and I am tired. You are probably thinking 'then sleep, dumbass' or something along those lines but I legit can't sleep. I miss Nella still and the person I am hopelessly in love with, to the point where it hurts to think about them and it's making me unable to sleep. also thank you friendos for being there when I am being emotional for no reason.  But my question is, what do I do if I am in love with someone that would never like me back, and that right now I'm crying and I can't sleep because I will always be a lonely rat? Like I actually need help, what should I do? On a brighter note, I went to this place called headspace and there was a pride flag hung up on the wall and I was just gazing intensely at it and the lady behind the counter grinned at me and winked lol

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