Chapter 1

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*Laura's POV*

My name is Laura I'm new in town I'm in High School witch means I'm aloud to go to a club but i only go when I'm stressed and i need things off my mind and I'm 16 years old my older sister drive me nuts today talking about her boyfriend Reggie jeeze she talks about him a lot I'm Single witch sucks but i live with it but yeah

*Rikers POV*

I'm Riker I'm 18 and i decided to volunteer as a teacher for High Schoolers i remember my High School year Hot babes bullies nerds Popular group all that I'm single tonight I'm going to the club close to me to get stuff off my mind Cause my Lil sister wouldn't leave me alone about her Boyfriend Ratliff and yep there officially dating wow but I'm going to get ready to go

Laura's POV

i put on a pink and blue dress(strapless)and some high heels the ones I can dance in then i started to head to the club so i got my keys and got into my car and drove to the club i followed the directions since I was new in town then i got there it was dark there was spot lights going back and forth then i went inside and saw lots of people i just went to the bar and sat

*Rikers POV before Laura arrived*

i went to the bar i sat down at the bar and ordered me 2 beers i drank it then the doors opened and i saw the beautifulist girl i have ever saw she was coming my way and she sat right next to me i turned to her

*Laura's POV*

i sat next to this handsome guy he had a white t-shirt with a leather jacket and i sat right next to him

hello what is your name

oh mine is Laura how bout yours

Riker hey can this lady get a drink my treat

coming right up

oh Laura are you new here i never seen you here before

yeah i just moved here

hey maybe you wanna dance

yeah i took a drink of my shot and went to dance with Ricer

*Laura's POV*

WOW I'm so freaking drunk i keep on falling and Omg Riker just asked me out wow first time being here and i have a handsome boyfriend

hey Laura do want me to take you home

hey that will be nice of you thanks

No problem

*Rikers POV*

I'm a ask her out she's my type of girl so yeah ima ask her out

hey Laura would you go out with me sometime

Yeah I'll call you

No one's POV*

Riker drove her to her house and asked her out now there dating they just arrived at lauras house

Laura's POV*

Riker walked me to my doorstep i couldn't help but grabbing his color and pulling him in a kiss we kissed for fora straight 30 minutes

i had had a fun time thanks for it bye baby see you tomorrow


how's that 4 the first chap hope u liked it bye

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