Chapter One: Meeting Again

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Amy watched me as I whizzed around the console. Just as I stated they were about to land Amy pointed behind me.

"Doctor. Behind you. There's a girl."

I turned around and saw the girl.

Rose Tyler.

"It's just the TARDIS giving an interface. She does that sometimes."

"Oi! That hurt. Can't tell the real Rose from the interface one?"

My eyes went wide and he spun around quickly. I pointed an accusing finger at the pretty blonde girl.

"You can't be here! How are you here?!"

At this point I was in her face. I could smell honey in her hair and strawberries in her breath. Damn these super senses of mine. I can't think straight.

She held her wrist up. "Vortex manipulator. Jack gave me one."

"How'd you get out of your universe?"

"The other Torchwood used a machine. It folds the walls of the universe rather than tear them. Sent me to this Torchwood."

I couldn't help but smile. I poked her on the shoulder to make sure she was real. When my finger didn't pass through her I laughed and embraced her in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh. Rose Tyler. Defender of the Earth. How I've missed you!"

She laughed and patted me on the back.

"You've redecorated."

I nodded and did a bow. By this time Amy was getting a little antsy for answers.

"Doctor? Who is she?"

I put an arm over Amy's shoulder and pointed at Rose.

"This, Amelia Pond, is the fantastic Rose Tyler! A companion from my previous incarnation."

She nodded and eyed Rose.

"Why haven't you mentioned her before?"

At this, Rose looked extremely hurt.

"How many years?"

"300 years. I've been traveling with Amy and Rory."

"How many times have you forgotten my name?"


"Yeah, but you tried to."

"Of course I did. Remembering just hurt."

She started tearing up and I hugged her again. After we let go of each other Rory walked in.

He pointed at Rose. "Who's that?" Rose wiped her eyes.

"This is the Doctor's girlfriend, Rory. And I think we should let them catch up."

"Not my girlfriend!"

Amy rolled her eyes and pulled Rory out of the room. I grabbed Rose's hand and led her to the kitchen.

"You've moved the kitchen."

"That's what happens when one changes the interior of a TARDIS."

When she giggled it sounded like music to my ears. She let go of my hand and started making some tea. I just sat at the table and watched her. Her hands were nimble and graceful as she prepared the tea and that was when I realized how much I missed this.

When she finished making the tea she sat down across from me. She looked at me with her brown eyes soaking in the new face. She reached out and touched my face, starting with my cheek then moving her fingers gently over my lips and my forehead.

She started to pull her hand back I grabbed it and put it my to my cheek. When she didn't protest I put her hand on my chest to feel both of my hearts. I let go of her hand and she pulled back hesitantly.

"So. Why'd you leave the metacrises Doctor?"

"Because John started acted funny. He'd say stupid things and he'd do stupid things. He started getting angry. Angry that he couldn't regenerate and angry because he knew I wanted to be with you more. In the end he started going crazy. He believed if he died he'd regenerate to you. He said he had a connection with you. Could sense you and what you felt. He's the one that told Torchwood to send me here. He thought it was best."

After a long pause she added "John shot himself after he knew the machine would work. He knew I'd have nothing in that universe left. So I took the risk. And I found you."

She had tears in her eyes now. The thought of John sent her over. I stood and walked over to her. She stood up as well and I hugged her. We hugged for a long time. Felt like ages.

And it still felt good.

After she stopped crying I grabbed her hand and led her to her bedroom.

"Same as it was before you left. TARDIS couldn't let it go."

She smiled and walked inside the doors. All of her old clothes and things were still inside. Including pictures of her and my Tenth self from when we went to America and visited the Statue of Liberty. She walked around the room with a sad smile on her face.

"I always wished that I could've had this stuff, but you probably needed it more than me, huh?"

I didn't answer. Instead I kissed her forehead and left, still shocked that she was back in my life.

And I intended to never let her leave.

Finishing What We StartedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora