Chapter Seven: The End

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Everything was going fine. It took us only a couple of minutes before we made it to the high school, and officer David had decided he'd join us. The sky was still blue, clouds missing from the sky, and the sun shined brighter than before. This was the best day I had in years. My typical day went like this: I'd wake up in the morning, go to school and get shoved around. I would go to all my classes, the good stuff, and come home around three o'clock. On my walk home, I'd usually get jumped and, on most days, come home with minor scratches. It didn't happen every single day of my life. I'd gotten used to it.

It didn't bother me as much as it bothered my sister. She would always ask me what happened, I'd tell her I got jumped, and she freaked out the first few times. But just like I did, she got used to it. Slowly, our lives became as normal as it could be when living in an orphanage.

"So, this is going to be pretty awkward." Johnny mumbled as we made our way into the gym. "Your sister hates me. She's made that clear over the years, and she's probably going to punch me in the face. No hesitation."

I shrugged, not sure of what to say. "I would honestly just take the punch."

"And why is that, huh?"

"Katelyn is an unstoppable force. I don't even try stopping her reign of terror myself. I mean, she's no monster, but she can be scary. You should see her on the basketball court. She kicks butt and takes names. Or is it kick names and take butt? I don't know." And with that, the whistle blew, and the game began

There weren't many people. It was me, officer David, Johnny, Vanessa, Richie, and a few other people the other girls on the team knew. There were a couple of parents, but you couldn't even hear the ball bouncing. It got loud.

The ball flew up in the air, and Katelyn's team had gotten control of it. One of the girls dribbled, and the passed it to another girl. They passed it around a couple of times, attempting to throw the other team off, and the orange ball became a blur. I've gone to all of Katelyn's practices, not that I had much of a choice, and she's always played well. But I'm not much of a basketball expert.

When Katelyn went to shoot, another girl leaped up into the air and smacked the ball back to the ground. The girl smiled a wicked smile and turned to high five her friends. Katelyn sighed, took a deep breath and jogged over to grab the ball. Once she tossed it back to the referee, officer David, they set back up in the middle and the game began again.

"Hey, uh, Harley?"

"What's up, Cherry?"

"I think I hear somebody fighting outside. Don't you?" Vanessa asked as she turned around, glancing out of the window behind her. She gasped before tugging on my arm. "Harley, look! Look!" I shrugged my shoulders and decided to turn around, too. To my surprise, there was a fight going on. A big one at that.

It was the greasers and the Socs. I recognized some of the people amid the crowd as my own gang, who I haven't really said much about. To put it simply, there were three other people. First there was Michael White, the biggest and toughest of us all. He was your typical guy, regular brown hair with plenty of curls and chocolate brown eyes to match. Then there was William Rivers, the comedian of the group and the only one who really knew how to fight. Finally, there was Jack Johnson, skinnier than anybody and the most street smart of them all. His hair was purely blonde, but his eyes were a black the same shade as officer David's jacket. He rarely if ever lost a fight. None of us were very close at the time, but we would grow to know each other. This just isn't that story.

"Oh my god. You weren't lying." I whispered, just as Jack was met with a swift kick to the face. He immediately crumpled to the ground in defeat, while the Soc kept kicking into him. Next thing you know, Jack is back up again and had just tackled the Soc. The two wrestled before another greaser came in, shouting, and throwing his arms around and eventually nailing his fist into the side of the Soc's head. How could nobody be hearing this?

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