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Eve Charity Everson P.O.V

I stood in front of my full body mirror with my towel wrapped around my chest. I admired my body for a minute or two before going over to my dresser and pulling out and all red lace pantie and bra set.

I pulled out light blue high waisted jeans, a white half shirt and a pair of pink ankle socks. I went over to my closet and pulled out my black bomber jacket and my black and white 11's.

I brushed my hair and sprayed perfume on me and put on lotion. I took 85 dollars out my top drawer and put it in my back pocket.

I had been stashing money there ever since I started my job at foot locker. But I stopped working there because they are remodeling it so I'm on paid leave and will be back in the next few months.

I slipped my iPhoneX in my other back pocket and grabbed my keys before jogging down stairs. I locked my front door then hit the lock on my door. I got in put on my seat belt and connected my phone to Bluetooth.

I played Armon and Trey drowning. I started my car before pulling off. It took me 10 minutes later to get in front of Monica house.

I beeped the horn and Monica came outside a black leather skater skirt, a grey half shirt, and her all grey 12's.

"Hey girl". She smiled putting on her seatbelt.


"I hate how Lala ignorant ass put me on blast like that in the group chat".

"Girl shut up we all know it's gonna happen again because you got on the skirt".

"And What does that mean? Okay never mind I'm not even about to lie. My mom been on my ass since I got a 70 in art so I can't go to his house or he can't come over. And we don't get freaky in school like that anymore so I need this."

"You nasty hoe". I scrunched up my face laughing.

"At least I was honest. And I'll make sure we sit away from you guys so y'all won't hear anything."

"Yeah you do that but I thought you stayed after to make up that project."

"I am tomorrow so I can go to this girl party. You should come I convinced the rest of our peoples to come".

"I don't know about all of that parties aren't really my thing but I'll guess. " I said getting off the highway and pulling into the parking lot mall.

We got out and we met in the food court. When we got there everybody was already there.

"Bitch took y'all long enough." Lala fussed as we walked towards the ticket booth.

"What the hell we seeing again? Dead pool 3?"

"Bitch no Dead Pool 2. But of course you don't care what we see with that shirt ass skirt on. Better take that nasty shit to the bottom row". Lala scrunched up his face.

"Chill". Darius said.

"Yeah bae shut up cause we did worse." Lala boyfriend named Montell said.

"Y'all some crazy ass people". Quincy said.

We waited in line. Since I was in the front I spoke to the lady behind the booth.

"Can I get six tickets to Dead Pool 2?" I said siding her everybody money.

"Yeah sure. Here you go it starts in about 40 minutes and it the third door on the left enjoy your day". She smiled handing me six tickets.

I gave them to Monica so she could put them in her purse.

"Well we got 40 minutes what y'all wanna do?" I asked.

"I wanna go to foot locker and see if they got the white and red up tempos in my size." Quincy said.

"Bro I wanted those when they came out?" Darius said.


"Oh those is fire". Monica butted in.

"How much is they?" Lala asked.

"They 160 but in my size they 185". Quincy said.

"Oh hell no". I shook my head.

"So to footlocker we go". Montell pointed.

37 minutes later

"So how we doing this?" I asked.

"Couples share their own popcorn." Monica shrugged.

Quincy ordered us a large buttery popcorn, two large cokes, a box of skittles, and some nachos that he payed for.

He handed my the drinks while he held the rest.

"I don't like how they said couples share like me and you a couple". I huffed walking in the theater.

"Hefa shut up. I heard you hoe". Lala yelled.

"Shhh". Somebody shushed him as we sat down.

"You shhhh it's still the credits. It ain't even tell us to silent our phones yet. I swear I wish I was a unicorn they don't have to deal with the disrespect". He threw his hands up and hugged.

We looked at him and laughed. I can't stand his crazy ass.

Monica and Darius sat in the bottom row. Lala and Montell sat a couple seats over from me and Quincy.

The movie started and it had my attention. I was thirsty so I picked up my drink. Quincy leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"You know your drinking mines right?" He asked.

I looked down and took the straw out my mouth. I looked to my left and seen my drink.

"Sorry" I whispered.

"Don't worry about it." He said putting the cup in his cup holder.

He put his arm around me and looked to see if I noticed him.

"You ain't slick." I looked over at him.

"Not trying to be". He smirked.

After the movie I was hungry. We decided to eat at Friday's and the wait was 35 minutes. So Montell, Darius, and Quincy went to True religion and the rest of us were next door at Hollister.

"These cute?" I asked them as I held up a pair of dark green ripped jeans.

"Yeah get them." Lala nodded.

I heard Monica gasp and Lala mumble something while looking in another direction. I followed their gaze and couldn't believe my eyes.

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